tourist photos


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it's only easter thursday and i've already had my photo taken by one of the first batch of tourists to the island. not that i've been out, i was sitting on the settee with the mrs watching suitable religious tv entertainment - father ted - when a whole family stopped outside our ballustrades, stuck a camera through pointing directly at us and snapped away using flash to get a better exposure.

i only relate the story because it's the most interesting thing to happen all week

tourist video from years gone by
Definitely choreograph a show next to the pool in a similar vein to Mike and Claire Manumission and get someone to rattle a tin.
Parked up,stroll round the place,coffee obviously.Admire scaffolding/etc on church,return to car park via pathway by garden shop,then tempting take-away food joint.
Found myself at the bottom of your road.
Did not dare go up there for fear of snipers
carried on to es cubells...
just re-read my post above,it may give the impression I don't like SJ much,not the case.

My wife had a good look in the property shops and took notes...