New Member
Hi Everyone here is my chart of the songs I heard most while in Ibiza last week.
01. Ame - Rej
02. Kurd Maverick - The Rub
03. Gabriel Ananda - Doppelwhipper
04. Patrick Chardronnet - Eve By Day (Original/Remixes)
05. Til West & DJ Delicious - Same Man
(It's commercial, I know, but it was pumped out twice at La Troya, Bora Bora, Privilege and a good few car sound systems)
Would anyone else like to give theirs?
Space_Cadet 8)
Kilkenny, Ireland
02. Kurd Maverick - The Rub
03. Gabriel Ananda - Doppelwhipper
04. Patrick Chardronnet - Eve By Day (Original/Remixes)
05. Til West & DJ Delicious - Same Man

Would anyone else like to give theirs?
Space_Cadet 8)
Kilkenny, Ireland