Top 5 songs of all time


New Member
If you were only allowed to listen to 5 songs for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Its so hard to decide, we have been discussing it all day, and I still have about 100 that I would class as "one of my favourite songs of all time".

Can anyone else narrow down there choices?
In no particular order:-

Josephine (La Version Francais) - Chris Rea
Loaded - Primal Scream
The Seeker - The Who
Flotation - Grid
Promised Land - Joe Smooth

Can I make it a Top 10? Thats difficult!
in no particular order:

Bohemian Rapsody - Queen

Wonderwall - Oasis

Spiderwebs - No doubt

Traffic - Tiesto

Hotel California - Eagles

It's been hard to decide......