Tomorrowland, Belgium


Active Member
Im seriously considering doing this next year. Has anyone off here been? . Whats the weather like in Belgium in July? . Is there anywhere that doe Tomorrowland packages after tickets go on sale?

Any Advice gratefull :)
Im seriously considering doing this next year. Has anyone off here been? . Whats the weather like in Belgium in July? . Is there anywhere that doe Tomorrowland packages after tickets go on sale?

Any Advice gratefull :)

Quite possibly raining ... rain being one of the things Belgium is as famous for as the ubiquitous chip ;)
For those of you who like European festivals, try Exit in Serbia. I honestly can't say enough about the place. Amazing weather, location and atmosphere, unbelievably inexpensive. It blew us all away when we went in '09. Best festival I've been to by a huge distance.