Tomato Fight Pics


Active Member
Uploaded my pics from the great annual San Antonio tomato fight, to flickr. Followed the local Carthaginian side around for the build up, and, for most of the beach action I just chucked my camera on Sports mode and hoped for the best, turned out okay, here they are

this is probably my favourite:


Not sure who won, as I got smacked in the face with a tomato, and left a bit early. I'd say the Romans had the upper hand, they had a system going like that out of Zulu...front rank 'fire' etc...whilst the locals were all over the shop and getting battered, like the lovely young lady above.
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great pictures! I love the way everybody has dressed up and has the full kit with exception of a pink and a blue lilo !!
or do you think they are random holiday makers who woke up on the beach after a late night out thinking they were in the middle of a scene from gladiator ?!
Tremendous! Looks like a great laugh!

PS. You should do a write up of your holiday. I'm interested to hear how you got on.
yes, very good photos indeed. there are lots of events of a similar fun nature happening almost every weekend in san an during the winter. i always seem to miss the kart run from the heights of cala salada back to san an which has always appealed to me.
Great photos!

Looks like a lot of fun. Good on you for attending, Hywel.

Luckily, I have fairly lengthy discussions with the owners/receptionists at the hotel I stay in, had they not have mentioned the event was taking place I would no doubt still have been unpacking, as I'd just arrived. Glad I went though, despite the injury, which luckily only lasted a few hours...
i bet the people who sorted this avent out would love the photos you have done.they are very pro done

cheers, though my new Canon 550d camera should take all the credit lol, all you need do is point and click. Most of the pics were taken blindly, as the tomato's were flying everywhere. There were some guys there with tv cameras, can't for the life of me find any reference on-line to it though.
I was there that day but went to Zoo so missed the majority of it, however I stumbled off the bus in San An just after midnight and into the last 10-15 mins of entertainment - great fun 8)