To all the parents on the forum

sweet sensation

Active Member
My husband and I are considering going to Ibiza for 3 days for the Space closing without our children, seeing as its too bl00dy expensive to go for a week as a family now we have to pay full price for both of them!!! :eek:

Has anyone done this before? If so how did you cope without them being with you and you being so far away from home? We have left them for 2 nights a few months ago while we went to a festival but we were only about an hours drive away. When we go Sasha will be 4 and Savannah will be 2 1/2.

Im having massive Ibiza withdrawal symptoms as this is the first year we havent been in June for 7 years! :( :cry: :cry: plus my husband is 40 in October so we want to do something special for it.

Anyway Id love to hear peoples thoughts and experiences if they have done this (doesnt have to be in Ibiza) or are thinking of doing it :D and yes I know it depends on the child and the parent and the babysitter!
We've done it for two nights and it was fine.

Only advice I can give is "Just do it!"

And when you do go, don't sit wondering if they are all right.

Enjoy it, have fun and blow off some steam - I'm sure you deserve the break!

We have done three nights several times, miss both like crazy, and spend a lot of time time talking about them but ultimately it's hard to beat those re-union hugs after the few days of liberation:D
How old were your kids when you did it Mark? I know Sasha will be fine cos hes older but Savannah is still such a mummys girl :) and im so protective of her!

Did your babysitters come to your house or did you take them there? Thats one of the problems we have, our family dont live in Bristol so they would either have to come and stay at our house or we would have to take them there. Trying to weigh up which would be better for them. MIL isnt the most maternal either and she doesnt think about things leaving a pair of scissors in reach etc!! So I dont want to go and spend the whole time worrying about them! My brother is better but I would have to take them there cos he would have to go to work for one of the days (my cousin would have them on that day)

We really want to go cos yes youre right we do deserve a break!!! :lol: and to not go to Ibiza this year would be devastating! :confused:
How old were your kids when you did it Mark? I know Sasha will be fine cos hes older but Savannah is still such a mummys girl :) and im so protective of her!

Did your babysitters come to your house or did you take them there? Thats one of the problems we have, our family dont live in Bristol so they would either have to come and stay at our house or we would have to take them there. Trying to weigh up which would be better for them. MIL isnt the most maternal either and she doesnt think about things leaving a pair of scissors in reach etc!! So I dont want to go and spend the whole time worrying about them! My brother is better but I would have to take them there cos he would have to go to work for one of the days (my cousin would have them on that day)

We really want to go cos yes youre right we do deserve a break!!! :lol: and to not go to Ibiza this year would be devastating! :confused:

The first time we did it the In Laws came to stay at our house. Our Girls were 1 & 2.

The girls just got up and saw their grandparents and forgot about us as we slipped out the door.

We were a bit frantic in the taxi to the airport, but a few bloody Mary's on the plane and we were cracking on getting excited.

We came back missing them like crazy, but had no guilt at all for having had some great downtime.

I remember waking up one morning in the hotel room, couldn't decide what to have for breakfast so we just opened some bottles of corona from the mini bar and carried on where we'd left off the night before. You know, the sort of things you could never do with kids around.

Makes you wonder the state I'd be in if the kids weren't there to keep me on the stright and narrow. :lol:
Missus and I have done it twice, 2010 and 2011. I have also done a fair few trips with a mate leaving them at home with Mrs C.

Firstly, you must not feel guilty, going to Ibiza is something you both enjoy and you need a break. My/Our excuse is that we devote a lot of time to our children and dont go out much without them during the year. A lot of "normal" families are like this these days.

In 2010 we went for 3 nights and 2011 for 4 nights. We rang them every day and all was good. They stay with the MIL, who generally keeps them in good order. We go when they are back at school in Sept to soften the blow. I always send them to the MIL's house as she is more likely to get something wrong if she stays at ours.

If you are thinking about going then trust your instinct and go, I would do 4 nights if I were you.

Our girls are now 13 and 10 years. Children are very resilient.

Hope this helps?
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I remember waking up one morning in the hotel room, couldn't decide what to have for breakfast so we just opened some bottles of corona from the mini bar and carried on where we'd left off the night before. You know, the sort of things you could never do with kids around.

That sent a shiver down my spine for some reason (in a nice way)
Missus and I have done it twice, 2010 and 2011. I have also done a fair few trips with a mate leaving them at home with Mrs C.

Firstly, you must not feel guilty, going to Ibiza is something you both enjoy and you need a break. My/Our excuse is that we devote a lot of time to our children and dont go out much without them during the year. A lot of "normal" families are like this these days.

In 2010 we went for 3 nights and 2011 for 4 nights. We rang them every day and all was good. They stay with the MIL, who generally keeps them in good order. We go when they are back at school in Sept to soften the blow. I always send them to the MIL's house as she is more likely to get something wrong if she stays at ours.

If you are thinking about going then trust your instinct and go, I would do 4 nights if I were you.

Our girls are now 13 and 10 years. Children are very resilient.

Hope this helps?

We have also been to Prague (twice), London and other stays in the UK. On the first Prague trip we came home to a 2 year old wearing a cast on her right arm:(. It still doesnt put us off though
it's always better when you have to explain it.

i don't want to return home from prague and find that someone has dumped a two year old (with or without cast) in my house
it's always better when you have to explain it.

i don't want to return home from prague and find that someone has dumped a two year old (with or without cast) in my house

Sorry, lack of sleep.:D

I should have recognised that rugged Northern humour:!:
Last year we did it for 5 days. OMG it was tough for me. I couldn't really let go (having to be a responsible parent & all that!!!) but 3 days in & I was more relaxed & had such a special time with my hubby. This year we're doing it again - also for 5 days in Aug, & I can tell you that this time I'm gonna let my hair down, no problem! I'm soooo excited! And after seeing how good it was for us all as a family to have that time apart, & how as a couple, you reconnect, it's well worth it! Love it! Love them, miss them, but let yourself enjoy every special moment & trust that everything will be perfect! And it will be ;-D hope you have the time of your life! X PS: we drop our girl off - she stays with her auntie & uncle for 3 days & her nanny for 2 days. They live about 1hr20 from us so it's a bit mental trying to get her, ourselves packed, dropped off & to the airport in time. I think last year I got 3 hours sleep before the trip so I was already exhausted when we got to Ibiza. Well worth it though. My only regret was not relaxing sooner ;)
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that's exactly how i feel when i go off on my solo trips leaving the wifey to fend for herself. does us both the world of good.
that's exactly how i feel when i go off on my solo trips leaving the wifey to fend for herself. does us both the world of good.

El Ste the missus was probably over joyed not to have you under foot.

Every parent deserves a break, go to Ibiza and enjoy yourself.
We're the DJ and the sunset bar in mind when naming your kids? Great names :)

ha ha! thank you! Sasha is not named after the DJ, but as I always say hes not such a bad role model! we just really liked the name but yes Savannah is named after the sunset bar, as its where my husband proposed for the 2nd time in June 06 (the first being on Sera Des Mataret the day before :D )