Hi Spotlighters..back to life..back to reality!! Having done my sandy washing and cleaned up after so-called housesitter, its time for my review!!..
SUNDAY:arrived around 2pm, greeted by hot!hot!sun!!(rarity here in the North-East), picked up the hire car, blasted the air-con till we arrived at our minimilistic(but v.clean) aprt, had to carry luggage up 7 flights of stairs whilst the receptionist looked on!!Hospitality?? Decided to have a look about and get the obligitory hot-dog, then onto Mambo to watch the week's best sunset. Met up with some v.funny Glaswegians, swopped clubbing stories till the wee hours..
MONDAY:Lets hit the beach!! Strangely, San An seems quieter this year! After much persuasion to my boyfriend(Beach bar meal,sangria, comfy lounger)I managed to get a few rays, we met up with our friends who had just arrived(ibiza virgins), and headed down to Mambo to the Release Yourself pre-party with Roger S. What a taster for the night ahead @ Pacha..Roger rocks!!
TUES/WEDS: Blurry head alert!! After 2hrs sleep, we went into Ibiza town to check out record shops, gift prospects and more yummy scran..never eaten so well!! After a scrub up, and another lush Chinese meal, went to Coastline for a few before Renessaince@Amnesia..The quality of tunes put out by Groove Armada, Nick Warren and DJ's from Kosheen were impressive to say the least, we were all a bit apprehensive as none of the "big" names were on eg:Sasha, Digweed. I have to say, it was the best 23 euro's spent that week!! We met up with a J.Jules lookalikey from S.London (Rob), who became our new friend for the evening, and came along to Space in the morning..we felt duty-bound to use the free passes given to us in Amnesia!! After watching a v.surreal downpour and rainbow in the Sapce carpark, we had a few hours just chilling in there and letting the nights events go down gracefully..Now who's idea was it to drive to Cala Vedella for a few hours sleep on the beach?? We missed the warm-up at the sunset bars so, headed straight to Pacha for...Subliminal!! Much anticipated for weeks before arriving!! It was a proverbial evening of celeb who's-who!! Who felt the tit by bashing straight into what I thought was ANOTHER J.Jules lookalike?? It was only by the smirk on his face and the large entourage that I realised..Doh! Fanstastic evening of subliminal messages sent straight to the cortex..hightlight defo was seeing Darren Emerson, Junior Sanchez et all.. rocking their socks off in the DJ booth..nice to see they enjoyed the night!!
THURSDAY:made the conscious decision not to sleep, headed down to the harbour before sun-rise, the peace was bliss, and there was something starngely therapautic about watching millions of tiny schoals of fish chase each other...Then onto CalaD'Hort, a truly lovely beach with top seafood restaraunts and no screaming kiddies!! Had 4hrs kip on the lounger, then hired a power boat for a trip round Es Vedra..mystical and reminsant of Grayskulls Castle!!(He-Man?) Really could'nt be bothered with Cream, after seeing all the 18-30's gangs heading towards there..Had a drunken evening at Coastline instead, supposed to be Jeremy Healy on, but he was too busy texting!! Big respect to the DJ who took over at the 11th hour, we partied with him till we got kicked out!!
FRIDAY:Luckily, no hangover as we were going on a 3hr glass bottom boat to Es Vedra again, we liked it so much, we had to go back. Highlight was feeding the fish my hula-hoops..every fish in a 10mile radius came for tea..even the captain was impressed!! Went straight from the trip to the Radio1 site,after seeing P.Tong(Dirty Vegas great live!!) and Fergie we were done in..Dunno if it was too much sun or Fergie's overpowering bass..but gulp..we had somewhat of an early night!!(but dont tell anyone!!)
SATURDAY:After watching B.Brother loser Sophie miserably trying to round troops up to interview on the beach, we strolled down to the Radio1 Event, alot of standing about(no good if you have DVT!!), smiling in hope of the web-cam capturing you and having 20 million flyers shoved in all your available holes..it was really quite a good day, moreso as it was free!! My personal opinion was that the warm-up DJ's were better than the headliners..Bit of a damener put on by the lairy beer-boys showing their WHITE genatalia, and bullying genuinally nice lads. One incident which just put a bad taste in my mouth was when a mong took some young lad's sunglasses from him and stood on them..whilst the piss-heads mates laughed!! We left that area shortly after..enough to put anyone on a downer. We spent our last night shopping for all the lighters we had promised everyone we would bring back and saying our goodbyes to some new friends who were there for the fortnight.
SUNDAY:Had our final walk to the habour, wastched all the messy crews coming back from Euphoria!!Quite a few euphoric couples in the coves too..went to the aprt, packed, headed for Ibiza Town for McDonalds brekkie...why dos'nt it open till 11am?? Where's my sausage McMuffin?? Gave up and decided to wait till Manchester.. Arrived in good old Blighty to be greeted by flash-floods and a 3yr old son who didnt want to leave his gran...Oh, to be back there now...
STAY AWAY FROM THE WEST END END!!..Id only go there if you want constant blagging from "P.R's", watery drinks, a free bottle of turps and 2 mixers for 10 euro's!! We made the silly mistake of cutting through the area..I dont know how long you can say NO nicely!!
HIRE A CAR!!.. It was a godsend for the week, we covered over 450km's on £20 odd quid, and saw so many places not accessable by foot or bus..it was worth it just for the cool air!!
EAT OUT!!..No, not the greasy chippy and burger stall, but real restaraunts. Mnay had set 3 course meals staring at 7.50 euro's..with a drink too! We were stuffed!!
ENGLISH BREAKFASTS!!..If, like me you travel with the fussiest eater going, goto Taffy's (Welsh Cafe) on the Port D'Torrent road, Heinz, Walls, Hovis and Tetley's..need I say more?
TICKETS!!..By all means try the ticket sellers, but we found that the smaller record shops and supermarkets were the cheapest. 2 tickets for Xtravaganza for 30 euro's.
SUN!!..Should be obvious, but saw too many lobsters and sunstroke victims for my liking!!SPF 15 AT LEAST!!
RESPECT!!..The locals, even by learning a few basic words will get you so much further, please, thank you and hello are much apprieciated. Remember people live there all year round, its their home and livelyhoods so keep it clean!!
AND FINALLY!!..Just go with the flow, do what you want to do, not what Ministry tells you..and have a damn good time!!
Much Love..TRACY (aka TINKERBELL) xx
SUNDAY:arrived around 2pm, greeted by hot!hot!sun!!(rarity here in the North-East), picked up the hire car, blasted the air-con till we arrived at our minimilistic(but v.clean) aprt, had to carry luggage up 7 flights of stairs whilst the receptionist looked on!!Hospitality?? Decided to have a look about and get the obligitory hot-dog, then onto Mambo to watch the week's best sunset. Met up with some v.funny Glaswegians, swopped clubbing stories till the wee hours..
MONDAY:Lets hit the beach!! Strangely, San An seems quieter this year! After much persuasion to my boyfriend(Beach bar meal,sangria, comfy lounger)I managed to get a few rays, we met up with our friends who had just arrived(ibiza virgins), and headed down to Mambo to the Release Yourself pre-party with Roger S. What a taster for the night ahead @ Pacha..Roger rocks!!

TUES/WEDS: Blurry head alert!! After 2hrs sleep, we went into Ibiza town to check out record shops, gift prospects and more yummy scran..never eaten so well!! After a scrub up, and another lush Chinese meal, went to Coastline for a few before Renessaince@Amnesia..The quality of tunes put out by Groove Armada, Nick Warren and DJ's from Kosheen were impressive to say the least, we were all a bit apprehensive as none of the "big" names were on eg:Sasha, Digweed. I have to say, it was the best 23 euro's spent that week!! We met up with a J.Jules lookalikey from S.London (Rob), who became our new friend for the evening, and came along to Space in the morning..we felt duty-bound to use the free passes given to us in Amnesia!! After watching a v.surreal downpour and rainbow in the Sapce carpark, we had a few hours just chilling in there and letting the nights events go down gracefully..Now who's idea was it to drive to Cala Vedella for a few hours sleep on the beach?? We missed the warm-up at the sunset bars so, headed straight to Pacha for...Subliminal!! Much anticipated for weeks before arriving!! It was a proverbial evening of celeb who's-who!! Who felt the tit by bashing straight into what I thought was ANOTHER J.Jules lookalike?? It was only by the smirk on his face and the large entourage that I realised..Doh! Fanstastic evening of subliminal messages sent straight to the cortex..hightlight defo was seeing Darren Emerson, Junior Sanchez et all.. rocking their socks off in the DJ booth..nice to see they enjoyed the night!!
THURSDAY:made the conscious decision not to sleep, headed down to the harbour before sun-rise, the peace was bliss, and there was something starngely therapautic about watching millions of tiny schoals of fish chase each other...Then onto CalaD'Hort, a truly lovely beach with top seafood restaraunts and no screaming kiddies!! Had 4hrs kip on the lounger, then hired a power boat for a trip round Es Vedra..mystical and reminsant of Grayskulls Castle!!(He-Man?) Really could'nt be bothered with Cream, after seeing all the 18-30's gangs heading towards there..Had a drunken evening at Coastline instead, supposed to be Jeremy Healy on, but he was too busy texting!! Big respect to the DJ who took over at the 11th hour, we partied with him till we got kicked out!!
FRIDAY:Luckily, no hangover as we were going on a 3hr glass bottom boat to Es Vedra again, we liked it so much, we had to go back. Highlight was feeding the fish my hula-hoops..every fish in a 10mile radius came for tea..even the captain was impressed!! Went straight from the trip to the Radio1 site,after seeing P.Tong(Dirty Vegas great live!!) and Fergie we were done in..Dunno if it was too much sun or Fergie's overpowering bass..but gulp..we had somewhat of an early night!!(but dont tell anyone!!)
SATURDAY:After watching B.Brother loser Sophie miserably trying to round troops up to interview on the beach, we strolled down to the Radio1 Event, alot of standing about(no good if you have DVT!!), smiling in hope of the web-cam capturing you and having 20 million flyers shoved in all your available holes..it was really quite a good day, moreso as it was free!! My personal opinion was that the warm-up DJ's were better than the headliners..Bit of a damener put on by the lairy beer-boys showing their WHITE genatalia, and bullying genuinally nice lads. One incident which just put a bad taste in my mouth was when a mong took some young lad's sunglasses from him and stood on them..whilst the piss-heads mates laughed!! We left that area shortly after..enough to put anyone on a downer. We spent our last night shopping for all the lighters we had promised everyone we would bring back and saying our goodbyes to some new friends who were there for the fortnight.
SUNDAY:Had our final walk to the habour, wastched all the messy crews coming back from Euphoria!!Quite a few euphoric couples in the coves too..went to the aprt, packed, headed for Ibiza Town for McDonalds brekkie...why dos'nt it open till 11am?? Where's my sausage McMuffin?? Gave up and decided to wait till Manchester.. Arrived in good old Blighty to be greeted by flash-floods and a 3yr old son who didnt want to leave his gran...Oh, to be back there now...

STAY AWAY FROM THE WEST END END!!..Id only go there if you want constant blagging from "P.R's", watery drinks, a free bottle of turps and 2 mixers for 10 euro's!! We made the silly mistake of cutting through the area..I dont know how long you can say NO nicely!!
HIRE A CAR!!.. It was a godsend for the week, we covered over 450km's on £20 odd quid, and saw so many places not accessable by foot or bus..it was worth it just for the cool air!!
EAT OUT!!..No, not the greasy chippy and burger stall, but real restaraunts. Mnay had set 3 course meals staring at 7.50 euro's..with a drink too! We were stuffed!!
ENGLISH BREAKFASTS!!..If, like me you travel with the fussiest eater going, goto Taffy's (Welsh Cafe) on the Port D'Torrent road, Heinz, Walls, Hovis and Tetley's..need I say more?
TICKETS!!..By all means try the ticket sellers, but we found that the smaller record shops and supermarkets were the cheapest. 2 tickets for Xtravaganza for 30 euro's.
SUN!!..Should be obvious, but saw too many lobsters and sunstroke victims for my liking!!SPF 15 AT LEAST!!
RESPECT!!..The locals, even by learning a few basic words will get you so much further, please, thank you and hello are much apprieciated. Remember people live there all year round, its their home and livelyhoods so keep it clean!!
AND FINALLY!!..Just go with the flow, do what you want to do, not what Ministry tells you..and have a damn good time!!

Much Love..TRACY (aka TINKERBELL) xx