Tipping in the clubs

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Hey as an American I'm so used to tipping in American clubs for drinks and such. I've heard that in the European clubs and Ibiza this is not done. Is this true or just a rumor??

in the clubs, do not tip! you are already paying a fortune for your drinks.

infact in clubby bars in ibiza town, and san an don't tip either, once again your already paying far too much for your drinks.

But if you eat at a restaurant then it is best to tip of 10% of the total bill price.

That will save mucho $$$. Since I always throw in an extra buck with drinks.
i used to tip taxi drivers years ago, when it was a set rate. But now, since they have gone to that fare malarky i don't.

I noticed that they are driving slower and going a longer way around. That way they get the most amount of money out of you.
sometimes they try and influence you to give them a tip. at privilege last year they kept tryin holding the change up to the tip jar and expect you to agree.

its not your fault they get $hit wages, you pay over the odds anyway... don't give in to their charms! :evil:
stuie said:
sometimes they try and influence you to give them a tip. at privilege last year they kept tryin holding the change up to the tip jar and expect you to agree. quote]

Well the clubs aren't much better in that respect when the bar staff rudely don't offer to give you your change back and instead try to put it into their tip jar.......... :evil: ask me first!!! (but I'll still say no ....I might be battered but I'm not that battered......)
you gotta watch out for other places as well -- when i went last year and bought a burger king meal, the girl behind the counter (spainard) blatently did me out of 5 euros! she probably thought 'stupid drunk englishman, he wont notice'
stuie said:
sometimes they try and influence you to give them a tip. at privilege last year they kept tryin holding the change up to the tip jar and expect you to agree.

They're doing it at Amnesia this year & it's very annoying! :evil:
Other than restaurants I have almost stopped tipping. Like everyone has said, the drink prices are ridiculous - I dont complain about paying them but I dont think tipping is really an option.

If you buy a single beer in Pacha the tip would work out at about 1Euro or 70p. Im afraid no matter how poorly paid the bar staff are, it aint worth 70p to reach into a fridge and take the top off a beer or hand over a bottle of water. No one tips the PR's, dancers, the resident DJ's at the bars, or the guys on the doors and they are paid crap wages too. I used to work in a club in the UK, the wages were equally rubbish and almost no one got tips there, so why should it be different elsewhere.

Working behind a bar in a club might not pay well and be particularly hard work and not all that glamourous but usually does have its benefits - such as guranteed free entry to any night you like and free drinks off your mates behind the bar (aside from some other slightly more, ahem, less well known benefits).

Taxi drivers think are slightly different. On occasion I think its worth the tip, if for example they are cheerful and appreciate the attempted use of Spanish or provide an unexpectedly speedy arrival at the destination. Actually, sometimes I think just arriving at your destination alive is almost tip worthy.

I have noticed a slight trend in Ibiza cabbies to take a more circuitous route but I still think this is the exception rather than the rule. Driving slower wont necessarily increase the fare as, if they use the same system as London taxis you are charged a set rate for every fifth (I think its a fifth) of a mile while moving and then another rate while the cab is stationary. Therefore if two cabs did the same distance without stopping but at different speeds the fare would be the same.
hey yeah as an american too...i found that odd that u really dont have to tip... i agree dont tip unless u meet a really cool person who u feel deserves an extra something ....
i heard it sucks working out there cause the pay is not that good...so look out if someone is cool...
European countries have a higher minimum wage than America, so whereas you might tip unless you're given a reason not to, as a rule we won't tip unless there is a particularly good reason to do so. I don't think serving a couple of drinks merits that, unless it's a particularly big round and the same person has served you several times or it's New Year's Eve or a similarly shitty night to be working.
over here in Hamburg I do tip, 50cents to a Euro. Normally gets me free shots every once in a while or bigger vodka measures in my RedBull.

In Ibiza, if it´s not only water, I tip in the clubs for the same reason.
In El Divino earlier this year i'd been buying drinks at 8 euro's all night then when it was clear i was more funked that before they became 10 euro's. I wasn't that funked but let it go. I stood around and watched her for a while and it became apparent that she would pocket a few euros off of people who seemed more buzzing.

My friend then bought a round and i told him to watch out for what she was doing. She rang up the correct amount 28 euros for instance then took his fifty. got the 22 change and only passed him the 20 note whilst slipping the 2 euros under the counter. He questioned it and she gave him the extra 2 pretending she dropped it.

A few days later i spoke to a girl who used to work there and she said it was common practice!

Robo said:
But now, since they have gone to that fare malarky i don't.

Guess some aren't used to their meters yet, at the weekend our driver freaked out and started punching the steering wheel when, outside Pacha, he realised he hadn't set the meter running! He'd picked us up from Bora Bora and we were going to Talamanca (about a 5 min walk from Pacha!). We gave him a big tip to make up for it!
Phat Kev said:
stuie said:
sometimes they try and influence you to give them a tip. at privilege last year they kept tryin holding the change up to the tip jar and expect you to agree.

They're doing it at Amnesia this year & it's very annoying! :evil:

Happened to me in there last year too - will watch out for it again this year :evil:
I never tip at clubs bars, and not cause i am cheap (i really ain't :D ) but cause i already pay outragous prices for the drinks as it is (not to mention entrance fee!)
when we went to Release Yourself at pacha at the beginning of August we got a free drink with our ticket, we went up to the funky room as it is always quiet pretty early and we can get served quicker, there were 3 (extremly hot) women workin on the bar.

As usual we asked for our drinks then preceeded to hand over the ticket stub for a free drink, we got a total look of disgust and a plate with a bit paper on it which in huge letters said TIPS, they held back on putting our drinks on the bar until we had tipped.

A few of the guys didnt have any loose change so the free drink ended up costing another 5 euros!