Tickets now or when there


Active Member
Just wondering, was meant to buy our We Love closing tickets Sun 30th Sept) from spotlight the otherday but got side tracked, it it worth it or should we try and see if they are any cheaper when we arrive?

PS if anyone goes to Pago Pago on PDB beach, what they charging for a normal pint of larger now a days?

you don't get them cheaper on the island.
the two ticket types we're selling are the ones available.
Should probably do some reviews in the UK first, show them you mean business.

I don't really :lol: I just can't believe they have a clubbing team, dream job for the summer for a budding journo I guess, Id rather work behind a bar with the hot women :) Won't be doing either any time soon though so will just keep dreaming of a nice win on the lottery like everyone else on here does :lol: