Ticket selling job wanted - alright to go out mid may?


New Member
I'm looking to fly out around the 20th May, can't go out any earlier because of exams. Reckon it'll still be ok for getting a ticket selling job at one of the big clubs?
I heard a lot of places take CV's in before you get there then have interviews once people are out?
I don't have my NIE number but will apply as soon as I get there. Been told it shouldn't be an issue for jobs if it is on it's way?
Theres a company called Muchos Tickets that sell tickets for all of the nightclubs, they take on workers all season, PM me if you want more details...Its just the basic tickets not package deals too which is good.
Theres a company called Muchos Tickets that sell tickets for all of the nightclubs, they take on workers all season, PM me if you want more details...Its just the basic tickets not package deals too which is good.

Hi wednesday could i have those details too, I'm looking to fly out late May thanks.
If your looking for work Lost in Ibiza will be recruiting for the summer. Will keep you posted on the date and venue of interviews nearer may. Check out the fb group 'Lost in Ibiza'