This week's dilemma


Active Member
Right, as most of you know I'm going travelling in January. I told my boss the other week and I'm planning to leave my job on 13th Jan.

I've also just passed my final Accountancy exam, which as per my contract entitles me to a £2k payrise.

Am I still entitled to ask for this, even though I'm leaving? It's an extra £130 for the month which is not to be sniffed at is it?!

Or will my boss think I'm taking the p1ss completely :lol:
Right, as most of you know I'm going travelling in January. I told my boss the other week and I'm planning to leave my job on 13th Jan.

I've also just passed my final Accountancy exam, which as per my contract entitles me to a £2k payrise.

Am I still entitled to ask for this, even though I'm leaving? It's an extra £130 for the month which is not to be sniffed at is it?!

Or will my boss think I'm taking the p1ss completely :lol:

You want paying the extra through your notice period?

Completely taking the piss :lol:

I'm sure your boss will be already pissed off that you are leaving as soon as you have qualified.

I'm sure the £2k increase will be to reflect the benefit you will bring to your employer once qualified.

If it's offered take it, if not, leave it alone. It will undoubtedly cause bad blood for the sake for £130 and you will be remembered for it.

Bloody accountants!
Agree with Mark. It's not enough money to burn bridges. You want to leave with them thinking highly of you.
All boils down to whether you respect the man that pays you. If the answer is yes then don't.

Some bosses deserve it though frankly.
Have they paid for your exam fees etc? And is there nothing in your contract about being liable to repay them if you leave within a specified period after qualification?
Check your annual membership application and subscription fee liabilities now you're qualified .. slipping these costs together with a renewal through the firm (if they'll pay) might be worth far more than the pay differential, especially when you factor your PAYE etc into acoount ;)
They've not paid for any exam fees for me since March as I self studied my last exam (probably why I failed it before too :lol:) however I did sneakily claim my CIMA 2012 subs last month which were £220.

I should leave it, shouldn't I? :lol:
They've not paid for any exam fees for me since March as I self studied my last exam (probably why I failed it before too :lol:) however I did sneakily claim my CIMA 2012 subs last month which were £220.

I should leave it, shouldn't I? :lol:

I would leave it.
They've not paid for any exam fees for me since March as I self studied my last exam (probably why I failed it before too :lol:) however I did sneakily claim my CIMA 2012 subs last month which were £220.

I should leave it, shouldn't I? :lol:

:lol: Yes
have a whipround on here, "beckiboo dilemma free travelling fund", i'm sure you'd get to the 130 quid you'll be getting.

put me down for a score. you can buy me a drink if i make it there later in the year. ;)
I'm sure there will be plenty of travelling dilemma's! Hopefully I'll be too busy having fun travelling to bother coming on here and asking everyone for advice though :lol:
Are you breaking any contract terms with your employer by leaving early? If so, you will not be entitled to any increments from it. i.e All bets would be off..........
Are you breaking any contract terms with your employer by leaving early? If so, you will not be entitled to any increments from it. i.e All bets would be off..........

Nope... given my full month's notice as per contract.
I always think...better to regret something you did do, then to regret something you didnt do ;)

Maybe not to be used alllllllllllll the time :lol: