this time next week!!!!

I have about a week longer than Blondie, 1 day would be better but I need the 87+ days to save up for finance my ibizan lifestyle! :eek:
I have about a week longer than Blondie, 1 day would be better but I need the 87+ days to save up for finance my ibizan lifestyle! :eek:

I hear you I have a pretty good job but with an immanent house move I have taken a weekend bar job not so much for the extra cash but to keep me out of trouble at the weekends and help to save. The absolute last thing i want to think about on this holiday in how much things cost
I dont worry regardless, the moment a drop of alcohol touches my lips I appear to think I am a millionaire so saving is a must! Not sure I could be bothered working weekends, much easier to just turn off my phone! :lol:
i try but it's no good I always end up having a peek and getting pulled into peoples plans! i'll grow up one day!!

I too am like a millionaire after a drink, wouldn't change it though