This is why I'm broke

ooh... It's geek heaven! :lol:

I'll take one of these

and these


If you like gadgets, this site is good too:
Quality website 8)

I saw a guy with one of those water jet packs in Talamanca this year.

He was hanging around the jetty beside Sa Punta, it definately looked a lot of fun!

Happily ... I am not tempted by most of such trinkets, having sickened myself of accumulating useless 'things material' once too often before throwing them all away in a despereate (if seemingly futile) effort to achieve a clutter-free life !!

Mind you .. those clear canoes are great - went out in one in Vieques at night in the Biobay there where little phytoflagellates (:eek:) glow brightly when distrubed, so you see a sea of twinkles below as you paddle .. swimming with them even more fun :lol: !!
lol - I am lucky enough to have never experienced the hairy back - although I did see a mate once in the distance in his garden in the summer and was thinking to myself "why the fook is he wearing a long sleeved top in this weather - when I got closer I realised it was his body hair - bleurgh!

Not a look that floats my boat to be honest ....:lol::lol::lol:
lol - I am lucky enough to have never experienced the hairy back - although I did see a mate once in the distance in his garden in the summer and was thinking to myself "why the fook is he wearing a long sleeved top in this weather - when I got closer I realised it was his body hair - bleurgh!

Not a look that floats my boat to be honest ....:lol::lol::lol:

Hair sweater is not a good look on anyone.