this is driving me mad


New Member
this is really annoying because i no i have this tune but i cant think of wt its called so i cnt find it. we herd it everywhere in ibiza but its hard to describe theres no vocal hook its jus a really catchy beat n is jus like dun dun...dun dun...dun dun dun dun dun.. haha this sounds so stupid. its really like clappy evryone claps along to it n it sounds a bit carnival ish or sumthing. n then it speeds up a bit then goes bk into the main hook agen. i doubt any one nos wt im on about bt any wild guesses wud b appreciated!! xx
this is really annoying because i no i have this tune but i cant think of wt its called so i cnt find it. we herd it everywhere in ibiza but its hard to describe theres no vocal hook its jus a really catchy beat n is jus like dun dun...dun dun...dun dun dun dun dun.. haha this sounds so stupid. its really like clappy evryone claps along to it n it sounds a bit carnival ish or sumthing. n then it speeds up a bit then goes bk into the main hook agen. i doubt any one nos wt im on about bt any wild guesses wud b appreciated!! xx

your dun's :) are exactly like "A bit Patchy" by Switch...:lol: or it's by E.Prydz..
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i was going to mention the sugar hill gang and the originators "the shadows" but i thought it may confuse the issue :)
Yep, patchy is pretty carnivalish as well. Possibly the 200th ID for this song if it is succesful. They need to put a "read before you post" statement that recomends you get those songs before asking.
hey guys thnx for the suggestions bt thts not it. the song im thinkin of is harder thn a bit patchy n its got a sick bass. any more suggestions, i no im not givin much to go on :roll:
well i have to say that when i read the "dun dun.. dun dun ... dun dun dun dun" part, sander kleinenbergs remix of muscle car came to mind. but then again that has vocals, so who knows :)