The Walking Dead

He used to be in This Life which I never watched but think popular in the 90s? Sure someone can put me right on that...

Loved him in Love Actually :oops::lol:
I'm anxiously awaiting season 2.

The first season was short just to see how it'd catch on, but I think the next one will be a full 13 episodes.
I'm by the age where I need to see everything AS SOON AS IT COMES OUT (so long as I can avoid spoilers). Would rather save my internet bill and watch the programme when broadcast on my plasma.
Yeah only as far as episode 3 its really good.. Just watched season 4 of Breaking Bad last weekend that just gets better and better..:D
Watching it too. Love this show.

On to episode 3 of series 2 at the mo'.

craig72 - how did you get your hands on season four of breaking bad? I've just managed to get my hands on a season 3!

Advice please!:lol: