The Walking Dead

Johnny Vodka

Well-Known Member
Anyone watch this? Not that much new in it for anyone who's seen Romero's zombie flicks, but decently gruesome for a TV series (loved the crawling zombie and the stuff with the horse) and at least being a TV show they have more time to tell the story. People who've seen it on satellite tell me it's ace for the first few episodes, but gets crap towards the end. :(
I enjoyed it the whole way through.
I've been waiting 5 months for season 2! I think it comes out late summer.
i watched it - i thought it was really good. i dont think it so much got rubbish towards the end, but its only about 6 episodes long (in case it didnt take off i imagine) and the last episode is obviously either a good ending point for the pilot series, or a good starting point for a subsequent and longer series. i for one will defo be watching if they commision another series! and andrew lincoln??! i didnt even realise it was him! right good accent haha
But read all of the books a few years back, found them really addictive.

Never liked graphic novels, thought they were a bit geeky for me. But I started reading one and got addicted.

Havn't watched the TC series, ordered the boxset and awaiting it's arrival.

But from what I understand, the TV series only covers the first couple of chapters in the first book. so lots more to come if it's popular.
Thought this thread was going to be about THAT poster....

