The state of Electronic Music by Stefan Goldmann

Great article, the glut of music because anyone can produce it has watered down the product. The downloading of music has also knocked down the profit.
Good article. For the smaller producers, it much less of a lifestyle and employment choice than it is for the bigger guys like Armin or Tiesto, who are already established and made their fortunes a decade ago.

...the individual in search for music experiences no upside. He pays for the returns of Apple, Google, Beatport and the speaker fees of Larry Lessig and Chris Anderson by being lost in a flood of irrelevant, crappy music and the feeling that others had more fun before (hence the retro obsession in today's music)

So true, today's flood makes me sad, it's just all disposable music now.
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So true, today's flood makes me sad, it's just all disposable music now.

well its not ALL is it. There is some amazing stuff out there depending on what you like. Your sentence reminds me of the old "Ibiza isnt as good as it used to be" to which most of us dissagreed , its just different etc..
Can the same be said of electonic music?? There are obviously stil very talented people out there , it just takes abit longer to find them is what I'd say. And the ancient art of digging for good tunes should not be laid to rest in any case.

Overall I agree with the points he's making and theres lots in there i ddnt know before.good article
Read that article the other day and it could be easy to become disenchanted if you get sucked right into that opinion. I agree with his view on the state of the music industry in general but I still feel that if your making quality music then you'll get the breaks. Also it aint about fame and fortune (or it shouldnt be), it's about doing something you love.

everyone can make music now... not everyone can make good music.

There are a lot of good tracks out there you just have to trawl through the masses of rubbish. Thats where vinyl shopping is still a winner with me. Find some gems that aint gonna be readily available to millions of people.
Without cash or backing the road to getting your music out is harder. The same with some artist who put out rubbish that get sold to the masses because of label backing?
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Read that article the other day and it could be easy to become disenchanted if you get sucked right into that opinion. I agree with his view on the state of the music industry in general but I still feel that if your making quality music then you'll get the breaks. Also it aint about fame and fortune (or it shouldnt be), it's about doing something you love.

everyone can make music now... not everyone can make good music.

There are a lot of good tracks out there you just have to trawl through the masses of rubbish. Thats where vinyl shopping is still a winner with me. Find some gems that aint gonna be readily available to millions of people.

Marc: Should of said most, not all.

With so much trash released, the quality tracks can be hard to find, or even get bogged down and vanish under the weight of, well, crap.

Vinyl is still good for the songs, production costs keep the quality up.
However, it's also damned expensive for two - four tracks, imo.