The rent is too damn high

I love this guy.

Apparently, he's a perennial candidate for something.

It also came out that he lives in a very cheap rent-controlled apartment, and doesn't even pay rent because he has a deal with the landlord to take care of building maintenance!
MAD as a box of frogs

but endlessly entertaining

*am struggling to make sense of the midterms to be honest - peeved though a lot of people are with Obama (expectations waaaaaaay too high) - they surely don't want to elect a bunch of rightwing loons to congress?
*am struggling to make sense of the midterms to be honest - peeved though a lot of people are with Obama (expectations waaaaaaay too high) - they surely don't want to elect a bunch of rightwing loons to congress?
Me too. :confused:

I think the idea of some national trend is overplayed. I think it'll go state-by-state, precinct-by-precinct.

The Republicans will pick up the borderline areas that put Obama & the Dems over the top last election. Looks like they'll get control of the House of Reps., probably not Senate. Still, many of the serious right-wing whackjobs that Sarah Palin has been helping out appear to be self-destructing, which is good.

Never good to come in as president at the start of a major recession! Mid-terms usually go against the party in power, but the economy has exacerbated that effect.
The rent is too damn high. I have voted already and will probably attend John Stewart's rally to restore sanity. Some of the right wing nut jobs that are running are shocking. This is not normal times in American politics. The good news is I think people will wake up and see that some of the candidates are to extreme before election day.
Americans pissed off at a lack of progress to vote to make progress even harder to achieve. Eh?
Americans pissed off at a lack of progress to vote to make progress even harder to achieve. Eh?
Gotta love democracy.

Fingers crossed it doesn't get too messy today. If the Republicans take the Senate, we are properly screwed.