The myth that is sleep.


Active Member
We have all spent many an hour looking at the ceiling trying to sleep but failing badly.
So my question is, are there any good sleeping tablets available over the counters at the chemists in Ibiza?
There are plenty of chemists (farmacias) in Ibiza town and San Antonio. You will see many familiar brands on the shelf and everything should (fingers crossed) have English printed somewhere on the packets (the same way stuff in your local store has English, French, German, and Arabic printed on the back.



ok cool, are they a bit stonger than nightol though? i remember years ago buying sleepers called "limovans" in tenerife and they were very good.
Buy dormidina when you are there from any chemist. They are the best sleeping pills you can get and great to throw you into a long and relaxing sleep. I always stock up and bring some home.

Better than a lot of Prescription only stuff you can get in the uk.
delmar that's not an optin haha. nice one dirk i'll be sure to get a truck load on my first day.