The Music in the Breakdance Movies.....


Well-Known Member
is quality! Watched Breakdance, Electric Boogaloo and Beat Street last night. Best nights viewing for ages!
Buckley said:
is quality! Watched Breakdance, Electric Boogaloo and Beat Street last night. Best nights viewing for ages!

bet u donned yr white headband tried pulling some moves too huh! :D
chewie_oo7 said:
Buckley said:
is quality! Watched Breakdance, Electric Boogaloo and Beat Street last night. Best nights viewing for ages!

bet u donned yr white headband tried pulling some moves too huh! :D

There was 10 of us in my front room moon walking and popping around the place. The current was a little bemused being too young and too Dutch too remember all that first time out.

Saw a guy at Space last year - mixing up modern dance and breaking (fusing some MC Hammer sh1t with Flashdance a la David Brent :lol: ). He gf was also a dancer and was pulling a few moves until a guy arrived and started breaking ON A BMX and wiped the floor with them. Only in Ibiza!
I have breakdance the movie on DVD at home.

One of my favourite films of all time - I was well into breakdancing as a kid.

There's some quality tracks on the - especially :

'The Bar Kays - Freak Show On the Dance Floor'
comin' at ya said:
I have breakdance the movie on DVD at home.

One of my favourite films of all time - I was well into breakdancing as a kid.

There's some quality tracks on the - especially :

'The Bar Kays - Freak Show On the Dance Floor'

I've got all the films mixed up now, but in one of them there's a scene where a kid's breaking outside the shop with a broom. What's that tune?
chewie_oo7 said:
howabout a So... 80's Breakdance?

When my plan for a full size So... comes to fruition, one of the floors will be breaks/electro and we'll get a crew into dance!
The tune where he is breakdancing outside the shop is called :

'Kraftwerk - Tour De France'

- and the bloke doing it is Turbo from the Breakdance film !!

Did you notice Ice-T and Jean Claude Van Damme in it before they were famous ??
comin' at ya said:
The tune where he is breakdancing outside the shop is called :

'Kraftwerk - Tour De France'

- and the bloke doing it is Turbo from the Breakdance film !!

Did you notice Ice-T and Jean Claude Van Damme in it before they were famous ??

That's it - we worked it out after the film - Stella has had an effect on memory :oops:

The Mussels from Brussels looks a right prawn! Ice T was cool though
Turst me , the old electro and early hip hop is some of the best music around. House msuic wouldnt be here today if it wasnt for it.

If you listen to 'West Street Mob - Electric Boogie' , 'Cybertron - Clear', 'Egyptian Lover - My House On The Nile' e.t.c. you can hear why it would influence house.
comin' at ya said:
Turst me , the old electro and early hip hop is some of the best music around. House msuic wouldnt be here today if it wasnt for it.

If you listen to 'West Street Mob - Electric Boogie' , 'Cybertron - Clear', 'Egyptian Lover - My House On The Nile' e.t.c. you can hear why it would influence house.

ah, i get where ya coming from... i was subjected at the same period to Wham, The Holiday Rap and Diamond Lights... :roll:
sweet an 80's film about breakdancin. I wanna see it! Can u get it on dvd now?

I love 80's nostalgia even though i wasnt around for all of it! All the 80's electro & hip-hop is class. GTA Vice city has some wicked tracks on its soundtrack because its all stuff from that era.
AHOY! I'll try and get it off the net first to try and save some hassle :)

Lookin forward to watchin this now. This day is getting better and better, first the sun, then plans for a bbq and now a film about breakdancin :D
