The Message


No longer active
This is it brothers and more games can be played....but we need to be very careful...
Picture the scene...It's 1952...7 years after the first world war ended in 1945 and people like us ended up coming to Ibiza(but they didn't know they were bohemians or hippies or free thinkers)
Even the Americans came...but they were called draft dodgers and cowards(pacifists) ....and then people had to come to Ibiza for many reasons.
We have been on the mainland in Alicante,Barcelona and Denia....and this is what we have come up with....The Message...
Surely we must go to any lengths to try and save our beautiful Ibiza and the way of life that the Ibizan people have.....The Message is a universal message....but if we can have meeting places away from the madness all over Ibiza.
This is a complete message....that has evolved since 1990 to 2024....and this is what the people are telling us.....if Ibiza falls...then we will be left with nothing.
The Message has a name .....
But the way it has been done to try and preserve the clubs,free parties and gatherings has ended up just confusing people...and that's what happened in America,after Woodstock in1969...
It was then done again in Ibiza flyers,word of mouth ,ribbons tied to tree's and various other hippie ideas....arrows pointing to secret places etc...
It has become too confusing and it always ends up in arguments and people getting frustrated because of the power of the internet
I first came to Ibiza,in 1995...about 10 years after the modern day all know ,who they are and a lot of you on this website have been there from the start....The Music..The Music...The Music...
I understand that there is a lot of beautiful music out there...but this is not just about music...this is about our full way of life,especially when we come to our beloved Ibiza...
It may already be too late...with how fast technology,the Internet and developing...
But surely we must try and protect our Ibiza,at all costs.
It's like reading Wayne Anthony... mildly entertaining but ultimately just rehashed, cliched drivel that turns your head into papier-mâché.

If you want the TRUTH about how Ibiza clubbing began read the Balearic book. Eyewitness testimonies from everybody who was there before 1987.

I even posted a few words about it HERE