The House I Live In

Johnny Vodka

Well-Known Member
I mentioned this in another thread, but it really deserves its own thread. Did anyone watch it on BBC 4 on Monday night? (Still on iplayer.) It's a brilliant and disturbing documentary about America's war on drugs, which is really just a front for a war on ethnic minorities and the poor. Scary details: like how easy it is for police to stop and search, how they make money on easy busts (at the expense of pursuing rapes, etc), how people charged with crack possession or dealing automatically got a penalty 100 times worse than that for powder cocaine, the amount of money tied up in and people who profit from the private prison system...
The war on drugs has turned into an industry in the USA. They have some prisons that are owned by private companies and they have contracts that say they must have a certain population density. This is the biggest sham next to slavery and colonization in American history.