The Governor of New York


Not sure how much play this story is getting in the European press but it's top news all over the States right now.

New York State Governor Elliot Spitzer (a former crusading prosector) caught using a $1000/night prostitute... apparently accidentally as the Feds were looking into a potential money laundering case!

As you might guess, lots of calls for blood. More here:

So, just curious... what do you folks think? Another case of American Puritanism or a hypocrite caught red-handed? Should he step down?
It's a nice big story here too (or was when it broke yesterday). Typical hypoctritical politician - why do these people think they're never going to get found out? Step down, I think. Who'll believe anything he said again?

Funny though (and it was a $4000 ho. Although I think when they cost above 500 bucks they become escorts).
I'm all for it. Nailing him that is.

It is a shame tho. I remember at the time of Enron/Worldcom crisis etc reading about him & thinking top man, unbowed in face of immense pressure.

Goes to show the risks that powerfull people will take. Inherent within them.

Its not the fact he has been with a ho that bothers me, each man to his own - in fact the world would be a better place if a few more people got laid a bit more - it's the hypocritic side of it that jars.

Anyway, lets cut to the chase. What kind of a woman do you get for $5,500 per hour & does anyone have any pics?!
Anyway, lets cut to the chase. What kind of a woman do you get for $5,500 per hour & does anyone have any pics?!
To be clear, I think the particular girl he got was $1000/hour and his total expenditure on the night in question (apparently, he'd used this firm's services on earlier occasions) was $4500. I can go double check if need be :lol: :lol:

I wonder if Google has a cached copy of the website :idea:
(update! screenshots here!,0,2966631.photogallery)

Even if you discount his campaign platform of clean politics, t is hard for a guy to justify using prostitutes when he spent part of his career as a prosecutor busting prostitutes!
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To be clear, I think the particular girl he got was $1000/hour and his total expenditure on the night in question (apparently, he'd used this firm's services on earlier occasions) was $4500. I can go double check if need be :lol: :lol:

I wonder if Google has a cached copy of the website :idea:
(update! screenshots here!,0,2966631.photogallery)

Good link AgentMorbyd.

BTW - was it Enron he was involved in?

Or was it more general audit/consultacy conflict of interest he went for?

My mate reckons the woman he got in an Ibizan ho house was twice the ones in those pics & was 'only' 120 euros!
I know quite a few people that raised a glass to this revelation.

Fair game too for getting hounded about it. In the UK press we'll go after anyone who dare's to stray from the stadards of moralty in the bible. At least with Spitzer he set himself up to be this ultimate anti-sleazebuster.

I'm just amazed he'd be so stupid.
Good link AgentMorbyd.

BTW - was it Enron he was involved in?

Or was it more general audit/consultacy conflict of interest he went for?

My mate reckons the woman he got in an Ibizan ho house was twice the ones in those pics & was 'only' 120 euros!
I think his big thing was not audit/consultancy conflict of interest but the firewall between research and sales in the big brokerage houses. I'm pretty sure that why much of Wall Street hated the guy.

Similar issues with the accounting firms, though... quite possible he got involved there too.

As much as $80,000 spent on girls over the years. Would have been a lot cheaper to just buy porn :lol:
Spitzer should step down and let this man take over:

I find it interesting that the people shouting from the rooftops always seem to get caught with their hand in the cookie jar:D:oops:. He should have known he was going to get caught. This is why I think the american government should stay out of peoples bedrooms unless the are abusing children or small animals. He probably learned the ho rings by busting the bad ones. He got what he deserved.