the end of the "garden of miracles"


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after the denounces arrived to the sant josep council from different neighbourhood associations, the "garden of miracles" is gone

i cant remember if this place was ever mentioned on spotlight. only stopped there once, a couple of winters ago, and after some pictures my cam ran out of battery so i always wanted to go again, as it was such a picturesque place, but never did..... i cant even find those pictures so here are some i found online:










Went past this place recently,it appeared quickly! wanted to stop but was going too fast,already had a beeping car right on our tail !! nervous driver 8O

Looks a little crazy,I know nothing about it,only what you can see from the road...
I took a few pics there one day. I live quite near it. Some old hippies that I gave a lift, told me that it's a Russian friend of theirs that created it all. I think he drives the multi coloured van in the pic above. I have seen the van around here but never had the chance to speak to the driver.



More here.
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I think they could have picked up all the garbage art and garbage but, left all the rock piles and stone cairns. It was pretty cool when I drove by it for the first time. Thought it was some kind of cemetary before I eventually checked it out.
I only saw it for the first time this year on the way to Cala Carbo.

As an educated guess it was probably because it encroached on the roadside, like people say above cars were slowing right down to take a look, we even turned around to see what it was. The authorities probably saw it as a driving hazard.
nah, more to do with the fact a group of squatters occupied a land without the permission of the owners.....
btw, this appeared on the ibiza sun looong time ago:

From Scrap to Art
On our way back from Cala D'ort, along the road to San Jose, we spotted a wall on which someone had built a number of stone megalith type structures, being just a little on the inquisitive side we stopped to take a look. There's a track that leads to a well and as we walked down we found ourselves in what must be one of the islands most curious places. Two Russians, Alex and Michael, have lived here for just over two years and spend their time collecting people's discarded items and turning them into art forms. Old TV's, mobile phones, pots and pans, bottles, mirrors and the like, plus stones and rocks from the surrounding area.
If you saw the film "Wall-e" you'll have some idea about what we mean. We were quite amazed at some of the structures they had created, when we asked them where they got their ideas from they just pointed skywards.
Anyone is welcome to take a look, you can make a small monetary donation if you wish, but they're just as happy to see you whether you do or not.