The Cumbria Masacre.

I'm surpised it hasn't been mentioned yet.

How horrendous it must have been for the victims :cry:

I see theyre thinking its a row over a Will, he also shot a solicitor, aswell as his brother :(

Absolutely horrifying!!

It could have been over anything :-( - Cumbria is a very strange place.... very very close knit community - its a bit like Royston Vasey when you go over....

So tragic....... Mind you I can remember when Michael Ryan went on a rampage in Hungerford in 87 and remember being absolutely horrified - terrified even that something so "American" could happen in the UK , when I heard that yesterday I was quite shocked at how less terrified I felt now in 2010 - can it be that we have heard of so many shootings, knife crimes in the Uk that I am become totally acclimatised to this sort of thing... so very wrong to feel that way - quite shocked at myself to be honest :cry::cry::cry:
But given that there was a shooting in London fields on Saturday afternoon a couple of weeks ago. :confused: :confused: :confused:

That's my picnic spot ffs. :eek:

You might half expect it in a sprawling city, but for it to happen in a leafy rural comunity makes it even more shocking.

.... when I heard that yesterday I was quite shocked at how less terrified I felt now in 2010 - can it be that we have heard of so many shootings, knife crimes in the Uk that I am become totally acclimatised to this sort of thing... so very wrong to feel that way - quite shocked at myself to be honest :cry::cry::cry:

It's probably due to the fact the Hungerford disater was the first of its kind in modern times. And we're a different age now, plus its a common ocurance in other parts of the world that its hardly something new.
you're prob right - but I was really quite :eek: at my lack of reaction on how common random killing sprees seem to have become a newspaper story most days.

Just been talking to the woman who works on reception - her hubby is a plod and she's just been telling me about how bad it was (plod-2-plod gossip)

The random coldheartnedness of it all is what's really chilling. People trimming hedges and walking to the shops.

heartbreaking stuff.:cry:
Back home in the States, we call this "going postal"

I watched some of the BBC coverage while sitting in Heathrow last night. They interviewed the editor of a local newspaper and you could really sense the small town nature of the area.

30 different crime scenes. The guy went about his work with purpose. Chilling.

Your strict gun laws may make these kinds of events less frequent, but the reality is there are crazy people everywhere.
The random coldheartnedness of it all is what's really chilling. People trimming hedges and walking to the shops.

heartbreaking stuff.:cry:

I know. It now seems he knew alot of the victims also, they think he killed the solicitor and his brother first then went mental deciding to kill alot more. The rest were probably in the wrong place at the wrong time. It could have been a much greater death toll as there are still quire a few seriously injured.

Back home in the States, we call this "going postal"

I watched some of the BBC coverage while sitting in Heathrow last night. They interviewed the editor of a local newspaper and you could really sense the small town nature of the area.

30 different crime scenes. The guy went about his work with purpose. Chilling.

Your strict gun laws may make these kinds of events less frequent, but the reality is there are crazy people everywhere.

Wasnt going postal a television series also :confused:

It is Obviously going to be much more frequent in a country as big as yours and with the gun laws you have. Though it seems to be more with kids in schools, doesnt it??
Hope not...

But given that there was a shooting in London fields on Saturday afternoon a couple of weeks ago. :confused: :confused: :confused:

That's my picnic spot ffs. :eek:

I'm not suprised there was a shooting there Rob! It is Hackney afterall, stabbings and shootings are commonplace here. Just because London Fields is a nice park attracting arty types, its still 100yards away from crime-ridden estates. The poor guy who got shot was just caught in the crossfire, the bullet wasn't for him it was aimed for a rival gang member!

The Cumbria killings are soooo sad but unfortunately I'm not that shocked. It's only too common these days to read about people going on killing sprees. I feel so sorry for the people shot and killed at random, what a way to go, and how distraught must their families be? It sends chills down my spine :(
there will now be the usual anguished knee-jerk BAN IT! responses from the media, political establishment etc (like banning anything ever stopped a determined mindset - who could as easily obtain a firearm on the blackmarket). I remember saying this after Dunblane - if Hamilton didn't have guns he probably would have set the school on fire or driven a busload of kids over a cliff, but the media hysteria forced the govt to ban guns. It's impossible to tell what impact that had on gun crime, but it was emotional policymaking not intelligent legislation.

the sad reality is that in a free country, a tiny number of disturbed people will sporadically commit these kinds of crimes, and there is absolutely sweet fa you can do about it. You can only hope that these incidents, like the recent massacres in Finland and Germany, are ultra-rare one-offs
Wasnt going postal a television series also :confused:
it's a term that dates back to the Reagan/Thatcher years, when there was a series of shooting incidents at post offices. Apparently it was a high-stress job and postal workers kept snapping and picking off a few co-workers. :confused: