THAT Ibiza villa up for sale

Can't stump up one of the remaining 13 millions required but will be happy to act as a middle man to save you the hassle of going over there for viewings etc....
I'll put up the first million to get the ball rolling. 14 other takers?
At 14 million euros, it works out to about 270,000 per week. I think I can afford a mortgage to cover one week.

If you take 4 wks, Buckster, then we only need to sell 47 more :lol:
Casa Inspiracion, setting for the best villa party ever and 'Goobergate'

A snip at only €14,000,000.

That'll be on the market for a while then. 14mill for a 3 bed :eek:

For that price they must have spruced it up a bit, from what I recollect it was looking a little tired when there for the party.

That other famous architect villa in the north is still up for sale and that has been reduced from 6mill to around 4.5mill. Its a difficult market at the top end nowadays.

We had an offer turned down last week for this
The Client offered half the asking price, and even though it was half of what they are asking, we reckon he was making a massive mistake as would have still been in decent profit. the greed of some hey :spank:

:eek::eek::eek::eek: Love this pic