Teen shooting in the USA

I've been following it.
I really can't understand for the life of me why the shooter hasn't been arrested.
Even with the Florida law that lets you stand your ground, there seems to be ample evidence that this wasn't self-defense... at least enough to indict and let a jury decide!
Terrible news item. Whilst in the UK, the law is an ass in the other direction, giving a teen a clip round the ear ends in court, this shooting is hard to comprehend:confused:

This would have caused civil disorder in the UK.
Fundamental issue here in my opinion, is the right of citizens to own firearms.......

I know its close to every Americans heart but in this day and age :spank:
Even if not close to our heart, it's in the Constitution.

There are all kinds of other issues at play here too. Race is one, since the shooter obviously didn't think a black kid should have been in the nice gated community where he was. One worries that's also why the police botched it up so badly and continue to defend their actions.
Even if not close to our heart, it's in the Constitution.

We changed our constitution in Ireland so that we could not claim a right to Northern Ireland. Something that has brought peace and stopped the killings in Belfast and elsewhere.
Ya... see... the gun manufacturers and their nutjob supporters fund an extremely powerful lobby group called the National Rifle Association which, sadly, is in a position to make sure our constitution will never be amended without some massive change in public sentiment.
Ya... see... the gun manufacturers and their nutjob supporters fund an extremely powerful lobby group called the National Rifle Association which, sadly, is in a position to make sure our constitution will never be amended without some massive change in public sentiment.

I know.... I've seen all the documentaries..... The Bowling for Columbine piece which revealed the "Free Gun for opening a Bank Account" promotion was an eye-opening exercise of the way some people think.
I know.... I've seen all the documentaries..... The Bowling for Columbine piece which revealed the "Free Gun for opening a Bank Account" promotion was an eye-opening exercise of the way some people think.

Makes our free Natwest piggies look a bit lame!
NRA lobbied to pass the law that this killer is trying to use. The right to bear arms is a right many Americans will never give up no matter what. Guns and the gun lobby add to the gun deaths every year. The police forces of most of the states that have the stand your ground laws, were against them being enacted because they felt this would be the result. Racial bias was the reason that the events started and the mess that is ongoing is because the police took the word of a killer. The police drug and alcohol tested the dead youth but not the killer.:twisted:
The right to bear arms was originally meant so that the people could take up arms against a despotic leader or a foreign oppressor. It's intention was never meant to be that any one-eyed interbred half-wit or slack-trousered wannabe gangster could be tooled up any time they felt like. In Norway they have FAR more guns per head of population and up until last year their gun-control problems were minimal to say the least.
saw something on the news about this last night.

They played the transcript of a 911 call, the victim didnt sound like he was beig aggressive to me, sounded like he was running for his life and then "bang" he gets shot.

Awful stuff
The right to bear arms was originally meant so that the people could take up arms against a despotic leader or a foreign oppressor. It's intention was never meant to be that any one-eyed interbred half-wit or slack-trousered wannabe gangster could be tooled up any time they felt like.
In Norway they have FAR more guns per head of population and up until last year their gun-control problems were minimal to say the least.
Canada has far more guns per person as well. Also minimal problems by comparison.

There is something horribly wrong when a state has laws that practically encourage people to use their guns as a means of self-defense. It should be a last resort. And nutjobs like this guy shouldn't have them at all.
I'm sure I've got this story wrong,

He was walking back from somewhere (sweet shop)? through a 'nice' neighbourhood where he lived, minding his own business and someone (neighbourhood watch bloke)? shot him because he didn't think he looked like he belonged there and claimed self defence.

Then the police did nothing about it and it's all kicking off.

I must have that wrong...
The right to bear arms was originally meant so that the people could take up arms against a despotic leader or a foreign oppressor. It's intention was never meant to be that any one-eyed interbred half-wit or slack-trousered wannabe gangster could be tooled up any time they felt like. In Norway they have FAR more guns per head of population and up until last year their gun-control problems were minimal to say the least.

I agree with you, I'm a gun owner and think that people should have to be evaluated to own guns and have training before they can purchase guns. They have laws in some states that let people purchase guns from gun show without background checks, this on it's face is absurd. The level of violence in the USA is epidemic. We have law makers who are scared of the gun lobby and won't do anything to restrict gun ownership and they go to court and file suit against any laws that get passed. This goes along with the prison industrial complex.:spank::evil:
I'm sure I've got this story wrong,

He was walking back from somewhere (sweet shop)? through a 'nice' neighbourhood where he lived, minding his own business and someone (neighbourhood watch bloke)? shot him because he didn't think he looked like he belonged there and claimed self defence.

Then the police did nothing about it and it's all kicking off.

I must have that wrong...
Nope...not wrong. That just about sums it up!

There was a scuffle at some point when the neighborhood watch guy accosted the kid. That's why the guy is claiming self-defense.

Buggers belief, doesn't it?
Buggers belief, doesn't it?

I'm assuming you meant beggars belief. :lol::lol::lol:

Yes it does, that it can happen in this day and age is beyond my reckoning. Honestly thought I'd got it wrong but if not, he should be locked away for a long time and you yanks seriously need to reconsider your self defence and gun laws...
I don't thinl it's the gun that's the problem. It's the person or people who do things like that.

You can skill someone without a weapon if you're that way inclined.

I think it's hard to say the guy didnt mean to kill the lad either, why else would u shoot a gun at someone??

People seem to have forgot theres loads of people with firearms in the UK too??
I don't thinl it's the gun that's the problem. It's the person or people who do things like that.

You can skill someone without a weapon if you're that way inclined.

I think it's hard to say the guy didnt mean to kill the lad either, why else would u shoot a gun at someone??

People seem to have forgot theres loads of people with firearms in the UK too??

Grammar and spelling have been forgotten also.;)