Techno Track ID from 1996


New Member
Hey guys I was checking out this old clip of a techno documentary about Sven Vath and Love Parade in the 1996 and there is this song that I looove. Itbegins at @ 1:38.

I am thinking it might be on one of Sven's albums but I was hoping someone would recognize it. That techno is ****ing amazing! And Sven looks like a young chap as well.
dont know dood...... but i prefer the track @ the very beginning of the piece....!
i swear i have that somewhere on eyeQ.... & i have NO idea what its called..... :oops::oops:
sorry dunno but that clip certainly made me quite nostalgic :)

was listening to sven vath l'esperanza only the other day - how good was that 8)