Teaching possibilities

Max Planck

Active Member
I have had a browse and search around the forums, but not found much...

Maybe an unlikely one, but are there any teaching English opportunities in Ibiza? I'm talking about for experienced+qualified teachers going into businesses and organisations, rather than privates. Anyone have any ideas?

Many thanks for any help.

as ibiza is first and foremost a tourist island and as the vast majority of its visitors are native english and english second language speakers, it's considered pretty important to learn the language here.

there are several private language academies throughout the island (search paginas amarillas) and these normally provide the teachers for the courses to businesses and organisations that you mention.

however the bread and butter of teaching english usually involves trying to coax a grunt from a group of malodorous malcontents forced by their parents to spend an hour in your company 3 times a week. yes, spanish teenagers.

think about it carefully, it's unpleasant, unrewarding work and the pay's not that hot either.
I'm now teaching kids over in Ibiza at an academy - and it's every bit as fun as I could have imagined!

There are some winter opportunities there for more teachers if anyone's interested.

Cheers, Max