Taxi fares to Khumharas?


New Member
Sorry about all the questions, but trying to make my hols the best as possible. I was wondering if anyone knew relatively how much the fare would be from Privilege/Amnesia to Khumharas, Privilege/Amnesia to the Egg and Space/Pacha to Khumharas and the Egg?? Would greatly help me out. Cheers to you all!

Rough guess here you understand

1)maybe around 12 euros
2)maybe around 15euros
3)possibly around 20euros
andivokes said:
Rough guess here you understand

1)maybe around 12 euros
2)maybe around 15euros
3)possibly around 20euros

Thank you very much! It's actually cheaper to go from Amnesia to Khumharas than it is to the Egg?
andivokes said:
Kumharas is in between Amnesia and the egg, so yes.

Ahh, guess my mental map of the White Isle is a bit messy... will have a better feel for it after this trip... hopefully :) Much thanks for the help!

CanadaKid said:
andivokes said:
Kumharas is in between Amnesia and the egg, so yes.

Ahh, guess my mental map of the White Isle is a bit messy... will have a better feel for it after this trip... hopefully :) Much thanks for the help!

Welcome, glad to be of service.
sorry boys, but your geography is hopeless.

on a journey from amnesia to kumharas you will in fact go past the egg.
the egg is the columbus monument on the roundabout as you enter san antonio.

does anyone know why it is in the form of an egg?

ps you don't have to go past it - you could hang a left onto the ses paisses by pass and then cut down the avenida san agustin towards kumharas. at least that's what i always do!
stephen said:
the egg is the columbus monument on the roundabout as you enter san antonio.

does anyone know why it is in the form of an egg?

Because when Columbus was seeking finance for his trip to discover the route to the Far East, he was told it was an impossible task. So, he took an egg, and said something like 'Would you say it was impossible to stand this egg upright?'. Of course, everyone agreed it was impossible. Whereupon clever Christopher lightly cracked the base, so that the egg could stand upright. 'Nothing is impossible', said he, and thus obtained the confidence of his financial backers.

I got this off this site - i cheated :lol: :lol:
stephen said:
sorry boys, but your geography is hopeless.

on a journey from amnesia to kumharas you will in fact go past the egg.

That's what I thought. I thought you had to hit the roundabout near the Egg and continue past Bar M and Punta Es Moli to hit Kumharas... guess there's more ways than one.

Thanks to everyone for all the help :)

stephen said:
sorry boys, but your geography is hopeless.
In my defence I have spent a total of two weeks in ibiza and never been to amnesia... I wasn't far out from where I thought it was though. Would you say the taxi fare was likely to be in the right region, stephen?
andivokes said:
stephen said:
sorry boys, but your geography is hopeless.
In my defence I have spent a total of two weeks in ibiza and never been to amnesia... I wasn't far out from where I thought it was though. Would you say the taxi fare was likely to be in the right region, stephen?

I only spent 2 weeks in Ibiza so far too... only problem is I did go to Amnesia, but was too wrapped up in the fact that I was at Amnesia to pay attention to any of the roads hehe. Thanks for the help though.
very good mambobirdette you win the first prize - a night out with me.
andi you get the booby prize - two nights out with me!

i think your taxi fare estimates are in the right ball park - normally i use jaki's taxi and that's free! the last taxi i was in also contained our lovely ibiza lou ( or so i discovered when i woke up speeding through a rain lashed night) and i have no recollection of the fare. however as it was not from amnesia, and not to kumharas, it would have little relevance.

so where are you both taking me??