Taking back A memory of Ibiza


Active Member
Besides the memories you get from an Ibiza experience, pictures, etc...
What would be something you will bring back from Ibiza this year?

Some of the funky tops from the clubs, got a Manumission one the last time, don't know which one I will end up with this this time!! :D
OH & Absinthe, its dirt cheap and good for a laugh!!

I always buy loads of parma or spanish cured ham. Its is delicious and so much cheaper than over here. We went in a shop with loads of these ham legs hanging from the ceiling, the missus couldn't get out of there quick enough. ' your not buying that smelly ham'

Will prob buy a leg of it on the last day and stick it in the suitcase. Just hope I get it through customs!!!
From 1st visit this year: a knowledge of the island beyond clubbing, a tan, a tale to tell of the Space opening and 'the current' full enlightened as to why i love the place.

Last year in September I brought back: 5 friends close to mental breakdown and a panic attack for myself (my first and only So... far)
I always bring back loads of aftershave... and clothes that I wont wear again until the next year!
A tan (a safe one though thanks to Ibiza-Girlie)
numerous telephone numbers from people I have met in clubs
a scarily huge mobile phone bill due to texting and picture messaging
a stopped credit card
far less brain cells than I went with
a thousand yard stare at the airport
1000 ciggies
fantastic memories which will lie dormant until the flashbacks start the following week.

............ AND that all important Chest Infection!!!!! which no visit to Ibiza would be complete without
Have brought a massive bottle of Passioa back with 2 years running, its passion fruit liquer and i haven't been able to find it anywhere! (any ideas peeps?)

Mmmmmm,reminds me of attempting to get ready whilst slightly tipsy!!
(I always manage to get mascara in my hair!)

oh and those big wheel-type things full of fizzy sweets, esp.the fizzy cherrys from the crappy supermarkets.

A xxx
Prolly get another shirt or maybe a club bag... would like to take something unique though.. sand from Bora Bora or something. Actually last year, I took a water bottle from Bora Bora along with one of their steak knives because I really liked the design of them hehehe. Might take a whole set this time :D
CanadaKid said:
one of their steak knives because I really liked the design of them hehehe. Might take a whole set this time :D

Tsk! Naughty :evil:

Partly your fault the bar prices keep rising then! ;) :lol:
stuie23 said:
CanadaKid said:
one of their steak knives because I really liked the design of them hehehe. Might take a whole set this time :D

Tsk! Naughty :evil:

Partly your fault the bar prices keep rising then! ;) :lol:

Yes yes, it is :( Water is now 9 euros instead of the 8.75 from last year :D

Seriously though, their steak knives have the coolest design... need another one for sure 8)