Tai Chi

Yes Tai Chi is basically Kung Fu very slow. It's more of a meditation and spiritual type art. It's not a whole lot of cardio going on in tai chi, none the less it's great for breathing, stretching and meditating.

But if you want some ass kicking action, then take Muay Thai. That's a great work out!
Crystal you are wrong!!!!!!!!!!

Tai Chi is the martial art that was common in the ages of the emperor of china. all his guards were Tai Chi practinioners so it is definately a martial art. But like all good things it got commercialised in the 70 (something with a revolution in china) and they only kept the slow breathing part.

Traditional tai chi consist of:
the slow stuff people do in parks in china. This is the commercial part. They will teach you this probably. It is a way to pass information from teacher to student. Each of the movements is a martial art technique.

The real action:
Each action in the 'form' has an actual martial art technique. There are actual tournements of Tai chi, most of them are not that violent because it is a kind of sumo. It is a contest in control over the other one and using the force of the other person in your adventage.

I have been doing Tai Chi for more then 12 years now. i entered full contact tournaments and most people laugh when they see you warm up. but tai chi is one of the most effective martial arts. Forget about karate and taekwondo, they are sh!t. Other ones are Brazilian Juijitsu and so on.

As for the cardio, Crystal you clearly haven't done a tai Chi class? Those slow technique's are an ideal way to create more mussle and have a cardio workout. I swear that i know some moves and that there are classes where you will be more destroyed then you will ever be. These are closed door classes where they teach you how to strenghten your inner body so your body gets tougher.

On of the best real, traditional Tai Chi teachers is a Brit, Dan Docherty who has been word champion in one of the toughest competions (Full Contact).

If you want to see me in action
http://www.chineseboxingclub.com/index.html piccies I'm the one getting beaten up under PRACTICAL FIGHTING APPLICATIONS

Check this movie and don't try it at home: http://www.chineseboxingclub.com/movie/neiKung.mov
This is special training to strenghthen your body
Whoah whoah whoah........

slow down there wimpy wimpers. No need to get so defensive. I don't think I am wrong in what I said. I think there is A LOT of truth to what I said.

Some examples:

A traditional Chinese mind-body relaxation exercise consisting of 108 intricate exercise sequences performed in a slow relaxed manner over a 30 minute period.

the most widely known form of Chinese exercise. A soft martial art or physical meditation art which uses posture, slow movement and breathing to harmonize and energize.

A series of gentle movements and simple postures designed to improve coordination, relieve stress, promote overall well-being and strengthen the immune system. A focus is placed upon directing "chi" or energy, through the body, mind, and spirit.

Ancient slow-motion Chinese practice. Combines martial arts, exercise and meditation. The practice of ritual movements promotes the flow of internal chi (energy) and provides health benefits.

An ancient Chinese martial arts form of meditation with a constant flow of energy and movement. It combines mental concentration, slow breathing and dance-like movements to increase chi (life energy).

Tai Chi combines movement, meditation and breath regulation to enhance the flow of vital energy in the body, improve blood circulation, and enhance immune functions. Tai Chi is one of the most broadly applicable systems of self-care in the world. In China, it is estimated that 200 million people practice Tai Chi everyday.

usually slow moving, strengthening exercises that improve TCM treatment by increasing circulation of chi

A series of meditative and self-healing movements based on Chinese teachings over 6,000 years old, Tai Chi literally translates to "The Grand Ultimate Way of Life" as taught through movement. Also a Martial Art, Tai Chi is generally practiced as a non-contact, non-competitive sport for focus, self-awareness, health and relaxation. The slow, rhythmic movements are very effective in returning the skeletal structure, muscles and organs to their natural alignment.

In addition, I HAVE taken tai chi many times and I love it for it's relaxation and meditation benefits. I myself do not get the cardio that I so desire when I want a work out. By that I mean it doesn't make me sweat like crazy. However, that does not mean it's not also great for conditioning and toning the body. Some of the moves in tai chi are difficult and require a great deal of balance and strength.

In my own personal opinion, I prefer Muay Thai.

So relax my friend... It's not the Tai Chi way to get so worked up.
Girl one advice change teacher ... I swear I've met a couple of teachers and i can say that you are missing on a few of the best things about tai chi. Serious ask your teacher about Nei Kung. That is the way to see if they are full of bullshit yes or no. I know how good and relaxing the slow stuff can be but it becomes 3 times better/ more efficient if you have the complete package.

The links you send me are links to commercial Tai Chi not traditional Tai Chi ;-) please go out and investigate the real tai chi and you will be even more amazed. the reason why I'm so defensive is beacuse everyone is doing the slow stuff and they say "I know tai chi" and as a matter of facts they know shit. The know nothing about the philosophy or why they are doing thing. (Please don't say you have a teacher that goes on and on about the strength and the juices and that you should feel the 'flow' and the 'force')*. To be honest I used to be the opposite. I was going for the hard stuff, but over the years I've learned that the slow stuff impoved my hard stuff a lot. You can 'feel' when someone has done it serious, because you become more stable, you learn to listen to your body. It is hard to explain. The symbol of Tai Chi is the over abused Yin Yang symbol. The whole philosophy is build around this principle. this means that if you only do the commercial soft tai chi that you are missing the hard side of it and that is what it makes a healthy thing.

Muay Thai is a kind kickboxing right? have you tried http://tpcjiujitsu.com/directions/index.htm very, very , very good martial art.

BTW "By that I mean it doesn't make me sweat like crazy", it is not because you don't sweat that you don't work out ;-) you should try a nei kung training. You won't sweat but the first time you do it, you can't walk for 2 days. It is only one hour but it is one hour of hell and pain. But as you said with proper medidation and breathing you can go far ... it is a mind thing.

* there is this well known teachetr that says that he can stop people by use of his mind. Some very funny stories about this stuff. http://www.taichichuan.co.uk/information/articles/a_master_calls.html
Just be carefull who your teacher is. It can be very good or it can be a waste of money, just don't believe everything you hear and see.
I once saw a demonstration in China Town in Manchester by a guy called Master Toddy (yeah, ok I can hear you laughing). He claimed that he could 'throw' anyone who came at him with any Martial Arts technique without even touching them using Tai Chi. And he did. And I couldn't stop talking about it for weeks. Tai Chi is something else- if done properly (and not in the commercial cobblers way) then it is truly something to watch/do.
I heard mor of such stories ... a guy could stop water from hitting him any tima any place. He could use hos force to deflect the water.
So another teacher came in and threw a glass of water at him :D he was soaked :D
why do you want to learn to scrap?

pilates is the way to real health
and if you need to scrap ... and i mean really scrap then there are only three things that matter

1) the first punch
2) body size
3) who is the most angry
Is that directed last question directed at me or everyone :confused: :?:

I do kick box as an extra form of exercise/stretching, for self defence, and to help aches from a 3 year old whiplash injury. I enjoy it, well what girl wouldn't enjoy punching & kicking men :!: :D

I thought I'd give tai chi a go while I had the opportunity, that is also good for balancing and stretching equilibrium :)
I am considering taking up Systema. It is a form of Russian martial art. My primary reason for taking it is to supplement my daily work out schedule. I think it would be a good experience. My secondary reason is that I think it would be a great addition to my continuing tactical firearms training.

As far as the instructor (James Williams) is concerned, he is with Surefire (www.surefire.com), the company that makes flashlights (or torches) and sound suppressors. All my tactical firearms training has been with Surefire instructors. I guess if many national and international governmental agencies, military, special ops forces, etc. are hiring him he is probably good.


LagunaBeachCA said:
I am considering taking up Systema. It is a form of Russian martial art. My primary reason for taking it is to supplement my daily work out schedule. I think it would be a good experience. My secondary reason is that I think it would be a great addition to my continuing tactical firearms training.

As far as the instructor (James Williams) is concerned, he is with Surefire (www.surefire.com), the company that makes flashlights (or torches) and sound suppressors. All my tactical firearms training has been with Surefire instructors. I guess if many national and international governmental agencies, military, special ops forces, etc. are hiring him he is probably good.



Eh....what the f**k is that all about? :?: :?: :?:
Re the Tai Chi debate, I would say nobody is wrong, it is all of those things, but it is a much more complete system than most people think, with very fast practice and real combat applications to al the slow moves, as well as inner strength building practices and weapons. The slow moving excercise is only one part of a bigger system. Wimpers: I studied with Dan Docherty in London, and now live in Ibiza. I am out of practice and looking for anybody who does practical Tai Chi over here to practice with. Are you in Ibiza? Do you know wnybody who is here who practices practical Tai Chi?
