Table prices in early july?


New Member
Helllllo all!

I'm coming to the island from July 8 - July 19 with a big group (~18ppl) of - let's say "mature party goers". I've never been during this week so I'm not sure how difficult / expensive tables will be. Can anyone give me an idea of prices? Here are the parties we're going to attend: Luciano/Pacha, Cocoon/Amnesia, then likely a space party not sure which yet - probably Kehakuma or Be.

Thanks much!!!
scorp girl youll find that talking about vip tables are a bit if a tabboo on here!! but not to worry cos there are a few of us who like to chill a bit in between avin it!! we always go cream opening, mid july and closing for 5 days at the most each visit. what we normally pay is 500euro per couple but as you know u get this back behind the bar. cant see 18 of use paying 4500euro...:lol: