SW4 - Worth Doing?


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Debating whether to get a ticket for this, the Cocoon line up looks pretty solid.

However, had a quick look through the comments on RA and heard the soundsystem has been shocking in previous years, I presume due to the location and need to avoid noise complaints.

Has anyone been before that can comment on this? I'd like to think Cocoon would ensure it was nice and pounding but there's probably only so much they can do...

ive been twice before. Yeah it never gets that loud tho if you get right inside the tents its certainly loud enough for a dance. Traditionally its normally sunny as well and has been a good day out both times ive been. Will probs be going just not sure what day , may do both
i've been before. The sound is an issue, particuarly on the outdoor stage. in the tents it is loud enought to dance etc but it is not ideal.

It also feels strange with how early it finishes.

But, the line up seems to get stronger year on year and it grows in popularity so they are obviously doing something right!
When you say the sound is an issue ?! whats the issue :confused: not loud enough ?!

Exactly, you can hear each other speak next to each other quite comfortably.

Some tents are worse than others and some dance spots are also worse than others.. don't always go to the front as the sound there is actually worse. Walk round the tent and you'll find sometimes towards the back is best.. depends how they set up the speakers.
Blimey thats an odd one lol

I might just get involved in the Sunday then...if im not dying of a serious illness from the night before lol
acht dont let the sound worry you - the pickle you'll end up in will make you think it sounds like that anyways.

its a great day out - the weather is always amazing - and the line up this year is pretty damn good, just a wee shame am missing it for a wedding this year.

defo worth a shout!
I fancied it, line up looks really good and I have never been. However it is now out the window as I will be in Ibiza :D
The saturday line-up is very good but im going on the sunday to see Hawtin and Gaiser :). Does anyone know of any afterparties? If not wys at fabric will do nicely.
Never had a bad time at SW4, but if you're going for a "proper" clubbing sesh, it's not that. Like most people have said, the tents aren't very loud (not loud enough to proper get into the music IMO), it says it opens at 12pm but is normally nearer to 1pm, and closes before 9pm. So by the time you've warmed up, it's time to leave! Plus at £50 a ticket it seems a bit of ripoff to me (I remember not too long ago it was £15 - before it got so popular).

Also due it it being such a short festival the DJ's only have, like, an hour each. So not enough time to get into their set really.

It's more of a fun day to roll about in a park with your mates, get p1ssed/minxy and have a bit of a dance. Save the real clubbing for the afterparty ;)
It's more of a fun day to roll about in a park with your mates, get p1ssed/minxy and have a bit of a dance. Save the real clubbing for the afterparty ;)

Im down with that, esp seeing as my aussie mate lives a stones throw from the common ;) ive already invited myself up to his that weekend :lol:
I would go if I simply wanted to get messed up in the park but musically speaking absolutely nothing there to interest me. seems to be the same old each year

might give lovebox or field day a go if I can blag a free pass into either
Lovebox Sunday was exceptional last year. Just perfect.

...this is coming from someone who doesn't like inner city "festivals" (and I use that term loosely).