Supermarkets in San An


New Member
I will need a big beer cool box when I get to San Antonio so I need a fairly big supermarket. Is there a carrefour over there or something similar. I don't want to lug one from the UK.
Ta in advance.
what a load of bolkensteins!! i would kill for a carrefour. you'll get a beer cool box from somewhere - maybe one of the ferreterias/droguerias?
I was reading after I made this posting that the councill don't allow any big superstores in Ibiza so as to protect the smaller shop owners, who are charging 30% more than the other Baleric islands for everything.
Seems llike you are in dire need of a big **** off tesco's hypermarket, or Carrefour
the main surprise of the article was that they were actually able to find 55 items in syp. last saturday afternoon i went to for my weekly shop and to buy for a bbq - the meat counter consisted of chicken. no beef, pork, lamb, just chicken. i did however count my blessings as for the two previous weeks there had been no whole chickens stock. if there was anywhere else to go, i'd go and i don't have time to be trailing round 15 different shops and waiting till everyone's finished gabbing before i get served.