Supermarkets - cheapest is San An?


Active Member
Staying in San Antonio, over behind Kanya and there is a supermarket near our hotel called "Proxim"? Is this relatively cheap? Or can anyone recommend a cheap one over that direction? Thanks!
If your willing to do the walk, Lidl isn't too far from San An. It's about a 5 minute walk from the bus station.
A lidl? Really! Didn't know that existed! Our hotel is nowhere near the buses unfortunately, looking for somewhere a little closer to Kanya! Thank you anyway
Yeah that is a really good price Germaine! How far from mambos and in which direction, left or right? Thanks Ray il remember eroski and look out for it!
I was already drunk :) But I think just walked straight up the street between Mambos and Del Mar and it was somewhere along the right hand side. Think it may have been specifically a liquor shop.
Maybe not if it was specifically a liquor shop, but Eroski is also on that road. About half way between Mambo and the west end. On the right hand side on the corner. You can't miss it as it's always rammed.
Meanwhile .....

To answer the original question: a tomato will cost you 4 times as much in 'Proxim' as it would in 'Sa Compra' 2 mins walk around the corner. (future use, maybe?)
Just reminded of this because of the pic above of ....Hiper Centro (conext-Sa Compra.

btw, only the 3rd time my image has appeared randomly here....3rd on the left