

Active Member
Does anyone use them or know much about the risks/benefits?

I'm naturally quite pale :( and now the summer is here I'm thinking about perhaps going on a few sunbeds to get a bit of colour on me! I don't want a bronzed tan (never will get one anyway :lol:) but just not ghostly white. I'm thinking maybe something like 5mins a week? Really low dosage as I know there are risks.

What's people's thoughts? Are they a total no-go? Or are they safe if you use them carefully?
like anything becks, in moderation wont do you too much harm. same as one fag wont give you cancer, having half a dozen sunbeds over a few weeks wont either. If you are really worried why not go for a spraytan? you dont have to go essex orange, some are quite subtle :)
like anything becks, in moderation wont do you too much harm. same as one fag wont give you cancer, having half a dozen sunbeds over a few weeks wont either. If you are really worried why not go for a spraytan? you dont have to go essex orange, some are quite subtle :)

I do faketan sometimes :p but I'm thinking more for holiday/festival season when there's nothing worse than getting streaky legs when the tan starts running off!
ha, nowt worse thatn streaky legs. I remember being at ascot a few years ago (not royal) and there was a sudden mass downpour and there were streaks in abundance.

I reckon if you booked yourself a 6 week course and do no more than 5-10 mins a week you should be fine.
hiya Becs

I used to have one and would use it all the time - a friend of mine got skin cancer - just a small mole on her leg but when she had to have it removed they scooped a large portion of tissue away along with the mole and she's now left with a big scar on her leg - so that really put me off using them - she used them every day for like 15 years or something.

I stopped using them - so did she, but then she hated being white and now she goes back on them and still does 2 holidays a year using factor 2 or something really stupid like that....

I know it wont happen to everyone but it really put me off using them....

As everyone says on here, everything in moderation - just use your common sense 8)
I used to use sunbeds, not heavily but pre holidays etc, then one year - in my late 20s - i noticed a severe deterioration in wrinkles and also in the dark pigmentation on my face :( I stopped using them immediately, but the skin hasnt recovered from the lasting damage ive done. So apart from the obvious health risks, sunbeds are bad for your appearance in the long run.

I get a couple of professional spray tans done before my hols, it usually lasts the week easily if i look after it - moisturising/exfoliating/top up etc, the best by far (and believe me ive tried n tested pretty much all of em being a complete tanorexic!!) is Fake Bake IMO, so check for salons in your area that do it :D
I'm off to the Island tomorrow and have been using the beds a few times over the past 10 days to get a bit of colour so I don't fry on my first day on the beach. So far so good. :)
I used to use sunbeds, not heavily but pre holidays etc, then one year - in my late 20s - i noticed a severe deterioration in wrinkles and also in the dark pigmentation on my face :( I stopped using them immediately, but the skin hasnt recovered from the lasting damage ive done. So apart from the obvious health risks, sunbeds are bad for your appearance in the long run.

I get a couple of professional spray tans done before my hols, it usually lasts the week easily if i look after it - moisturising/exfoliating/top up etc, the best by far (and believe me ive tried n tested pretty much all of em being a complete tanorexic!!) is Fake Bake IMO, so check for salons in your area that do it :D

ooh yes I forgot to add about the dark pigmentation marks that i have on my face through sun damage - and lines - since stopping the sunbeds and using factor 20 on my face my skin is a lot better and I have since purchased creams that have faded some of the pigmentation marks a little - but not a lot - they are quite unsightly withough make up which is another reason why i stopped the sunbeds and protect my face now on hols...