summer jobs in ibiza


New Member
Hi Guys

I am really desperate for you help in finding a summer job in ibiza!! i am currently working for a marketing company in london and boy is it crap!! really want to get out to ibiza asap and start working in a bar/club/promotions

If anyone knows any good websites to have a look on or anyone i can contact about work in ibiza, i would be really greatful if you could let me know!


Rhian :D
rhian my friend lee and also kimmie are going over in april to work over there worth having chat with him sure he can give you some info :)
best thing to do is to book your flight or a package holiday and use your holiday time to find a job....its very rare that someone sorts a job out before heading out...have a look around this site aswell at some previous topics theres a lot of advice about,if you want to chat mate add me to msn 8)

Thanks again, ive been searching the net for places to send my CV to but i think im just gonna chance it and go out there in mid may, cant wait!!! bring on the sun,sea and drink!!! :eek:

hey everyone not long now wooo hoo ,
its better if u just go out there and go to the ship thats where all the jobs will be its not hard to get work out there ....