Style musthaves 4 Ibiza?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aphrodite
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Hi you guys (I'm new)!

I've been 2 Ibiza last year (won a trip :D ) and going again this summer.
I was just wondering if there are things you really need (stylewise) 2 stand out from the crowd. Cos last year I felt pretty ordinary...

Any advice any1?
Stylish shades are the most essential item 8)

However I reckon your hairstyle makes a big statement too!

I also have quite a fetish for belts (and no I don't mean really short mini skirts, don't have the legs unfortunately!) find they set your outfit off a real treat.
Ibiza is very stylish (kind of ironic when so many's idea of Ibiza is drunken larger louts in football shirts!) and you'll get lots of posers who are wearing the fashions before they become mainstream.

Last summer we had a bevvy of mullets (for both sexes) boxing boots and Diesel clothes.
try not to try to hard, you are who you are.There is nothing wrong with being trendy,but somtimes i think people look O.T.T. be yourself thats the most important thing.Hope you enjoy your 2nd visit to the white isle !!! ;)
VINNY said:
try not to try to hard, you are who you are.There is nothing wrong with being trendy,but somtimes i think people look O.T.T. be yourself thats the most important thing.Hope you enjoy your 2nd visit to the white isle !!! ;)

i agree but sometimes you would like to be a little more outrageous or wear something you might be scared of not getting away with, where as in ibiza you feel you can do this and not feel like a prick.
Hi gf of mine (Aphrodite) ;)

I agree with jarmak. I wouldnt go to the local pub here in apeldoorn (my home town) with green or purple hair, or with amazingly big sunglasses.
kitten's head said:
Last summer we had a bevvy of mullets (for both sexes) boxing boots and Diesel clothes.

If u wanted to stand out...i would recommend u NOT wear diesel...EVERYONE over there has diesel gear...its WEAK! Like i said in another post, diesel gear is just sooooo massed produced that most likely u'll see someone in the club wif the EXACT same shirt or pants as u. Trust me, its happened to ALL my friends...and the shitty thing is i LUV j lindeberg gear...i was wearing it before it became "IN", now all of a sudden, ITS being massed produced, i find that sooo many ppl have the same lindeberg gear as me...INCLUDING nestor delano the dj spinning last thurs....heh...that was a pretty long inane rant there wasnt it? I'm sorry, its just i HATE conformity. Good tips for stylez though ;)

i hate conformity too.

that's why i always wear a nice cotton oxford shirt, gap chinos and penny loafers. i certainly stand out from the uniformed crowd of individuals down at dome when i turn up there on a monday afternoon!

personally I would say just be yourself - you're gonna feel might uncomfortable with yourself if you dress up and pretend to be someone else for 2 weeks.... ;)
Biff Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 8:40 am Post subject:


i hate conformity too.

that's why i always wear a nice cotton oxford shirt, gap chinos and penny loafers. i certainly stand out from the uniformed crowd of individuals down at dome when i turn up there on a monday afternoon!


Which dome? Dôme? Well there's certainly no-one on a monday afternoon, so it's quite easy to stand out, isn't it? :?
In general I can't stand it when people make no effort in dressing up for going out. Going to the beach is 1 thing (and 1 look), but going clubbing ids IMO a completely different matter. 8O
I think everyone has to go as one likes to go. There aren't any rules in Ibiza regarding the way you wear.
Pacha's and El Divino's people is mainly very trendy, sophisticated, classy,
while Amnesia depending on the night is for more flamboyant, outlandish and colorful people (e.g. La Troya), for underground people (Cocoon), or for lads wearing normal or beach T-shirts like at home (Cream). So does Space more or less.
Never been to DC10 but I've driven by this club on a Monday and seen the people. And I've even seen many pix. Space and DC10 are full of underground people who don't like to wear classy.
In Privilege you can see everything too, from underground to tacky to classy.
To sum it up... simply go as you like. The only place you might feel out of place going underground-ish is Pacha.

Oh, I almost forgot: Bora-bora, go like when you go to the beach.
My fav. brand is jack and jones, nice clothes, not very standard but now everybody wears it. Think ill go on a shopping spree just b4 going to ibiza ;)
DeVouReR said:
Hi gf of mine (Aphrodite) ;)

I agree with jarmak. I wouldnt go to the local pub here in apeldoorn (my home town) with green or purple hair, or with amazingly big sunglasses.[/

str8 from Canada baby!! said:
kitten's head said:
Last summer we had a bevvy of mullets (for both sexes) boxing boots and Diesel clothes.

If u wanted to stand out...i would recommend u NOT wear diesel...EVERYONE over there has diesel gear...its WEAK! (/qoute) :?

Funny that ive allways find my diesel clothes quite strong and very robust
they never torn in ibiza last year when we was rolling about the beach and jumping in the sea in them!!!! ;)
Thnx 4 all the advice folks :lol:

By the way...I wasn't really planning on losing my own identity when dressing up 4 going out ;) . It's just that last year I had a feeling (just couldn't exactly put my finger on it) I had missed a beat considering the fashion part. I'd just like to be a bit different than the rest 8)

Btw...If any of you are becoming increasingly curious about how I (and bf DeVouReR) looked last year --Don't laugh ;) -- then go to our site and view our Ibiza pics!
I'm the blonde (girl) and my bf is the blond guy... :)
DJ Biff said:
i hate conformity too.

->KEEN! :P

puppylover said:
personally I would say just be yourself - you're gonna feel might uncomfortable with yourself if you dress up and pretend to be someone else for 2 weeks....

agreed...;) to each there own...dress the way u wanna dress, be urself, i said, if u wanna stand out and thats who u r...dont wear diesel...heh :twisted:
