Stupid question, please help!


New Member
Hi all, this might be a dumb question:oops:, but I'm coming to Ibiza for the first time in July and want to book my club tickets online.

However I am confused about start times. For example, if I want to book to go to a party on Thursday night, do I actually book tickets for Friday (considering that the parties start after midnight, so technically it is Friday)? Or is that considered Thursday night?

I hope this question makes sense. Thank you in advance!
book the tickets for same day / night ie FMIF @ Pacha is thursdays so book a ticket for thursday (but yes many arrive after midnight/friday morning)

Just find the party in the calender you want to go to , and click Add to Basket , it should add the correctly dated ticket.

More people than you would think ask that question so its not so stupid :)
Hi all, this might be a dumb question:oops:, but I'm coming to Ibiza for the first time in July and want to book my club tickets online.

However I am confused about start times. For example, if I want to book to go to a party on Thursday night, do I actually book tickets for Friday (considering that the parties start after midnight, so technically it is Friday)? Or is that considered Thursday night?

I hope this question makes sense. Thank you in advance!

"The only stupid question, is the one you do not ask." -My 3rd grade teacher-