Stupid Petrol Attendents


New Member

Im looking for some advice. Earlier, an idiot petrol attendent put 10 litres of unleaded (its a diesel) fuel in to my car before realising his mistake and then adding another 60 euros of diesel to the car. I guess this will dilute it but I don't know much about cars.

what should I do and does anyone have any advice??



Im looking for some advice. Earlier, an idiot petrol attendent put 10 litres of unleaded (its a diesel) fuel in to my car before realising his mistake and then adding another 60 euros of diesel to the car. I guess this will dilute it but I don't know much about cars.

what should I do and does anyone have any advice??



It should be fine, BUT in my experience (depending how advanced the car is) If I was you I would keep topping it up and up (ie when down to 3/4 of a tank fill it back up, and keep doing this for a while), and add an injector cleaner, like wynns for example.
It may be OK, But on the other hand it may wreck your engine completely ( and I mean completely, con rod out the side, Throw engine away)
If someone else is paying, Remove and clean fuel tank , fuel lines, replace filter`s, flush through before starting engine, then a can of fuel system cleaner through it, Then re-fill with correct fuel, about €500 ish :oops:
It may be OK, But on the other hand it may wreck your engine completely ( and I mean completely, con rod out the side, Throw engine away)
If someone else is paying, Remove and clean fuel tank , fuel lines, replace filter`s, flush through before starting engine, then a can of fuel system cleaner through it, Then re-fill with correct fuel, about €500 ish :oops:

You'd only have to do that if you put a lot of the wrong fuel in.

The amounts we're dealing with here it should dilute no problem without doing all that.
10 litres is quite a lot, l'd empty the tank and re-fill if it's an expensive modern car €60 euros or a knackered engine...
10 litres is quite a lot, l'd empty the tank and re-fill if it's an expensive modern car €60 euros or a knackered engine...

10 litrs is nothing when it'smixed with 60euros worth . What will you get for 60 euros? About 40 litres? roughly....

So that a 4:1 mix. that's fine. nothing gonna go wrong with that. Emptying the tank would only make difference now if the vehicle hadn't been started since the wrong fuel was put in.
Thanks for the info guys. I spoke to audi and they came and picked the car up and will have a look for free as the car is brand new. They also gave me a courtesy car and advised me to avoid petrol stations with attendents in the future! Thanks a lot for the info :)

I just hope its all ok :)


I suppose, I'm not really up with modern-diesels, I just know if I put a drop of diesel in my car then it'd be on the back of a recovery truck 10 meters down the road of the petrol station haha
... audi ... advised me to avoid petrol stations with attendents in the future ...

i once destroyed a diesel-engine with putting too much petrol inside
during a very cold winter to keep the diesel flowing ...