Straight Outta Clacton

when I was in the first year of secondary school we and some 2nd year kids went to France on an educational trip, we shared this beautiful and (extremely creepy at night) chateaux in Normandy with a group of kids from Clacton of the same mix....and I ended up having a holiday romance with on of their 2nd year girls....who happned to be the object of desire to about 3 of her male classmates ie she was a hottie!!!......which led to a week of scrapping, name calling (with the jealous blokes) and some pretty heavy grown up petting on my part with the lady in question...and she was scandinavian or something........think her name was nooka or looka?? anyway I digress!!!


So wait... help me out here... is Clacton anything like Brighton? An idyllic seaside town?
Morbs - Clacton is a seaside but certainly not idyllic! :lol: Also nothing like Brighton! :lol::lol:

Spent a few summers there as a kid and still coming to terms with it :eek:
Far from Idyllic mate, but yeah you're on the right lines. Its also full of people like they're portraying in the vid, which is excellent :lol:
Ah, got it. I figured it could be one of 2 things - either people like that really live there and they're making fun of themselves, or it's not like that at all and therefore a bit of irony. Either way, well done!
Just went down to Brighton for a day trip.

Hey, on Wikipedia, it says that Sade is straight out of Clacton :lol:
I thought at first it was a group of kids sending themselves up but on further investigation it turns out that they are students taking a media course at Essex Uni...:eek:

It took them something like 10 days to storyboard ...2 weeks to shoot all the footage and 3 three days to record the song.

They said the didnt like the fact that so many kids around the area were trying to act like they were from Compton LA and needed to accept they come from Clacton:lol:

Next stop Hollywood.:arrow:
What did you think?
I thought it was ok. Nice little seaside town. Enjoyed the rides on the pier.
I guess if we'd sampled nightlife we'd probably have been more impressed as I hear it's quite good. Also, it was a bit windy and chilly that day so not the best for wandering around.