Sting's Daughter Coco....


Well-Known Member
.....joined my favourite band of the moment, Mr Hudson and the Library, on stage at The Abbey for an hour on Tuesday night. She will be huge!

Was quite a shock when Sting and Mrs Sting wandered into the pub through the front door too!

On the downside, I was knackered yesterday morning and wrote my car off!
.....joined my favourite band of the moment, Mr Hudson and the Library, on stage at The Abbey for an hour on Tuesday night. She will be huge!

Was quite a shock when Sting and Mrs Sting wandered into the pub through the front door too!

On the downside, I was knackered yesterday morning and wrote my car off!

I hope you didn't stand too close to him.
Not overly so:

but talent is very attractive and she's definitely talented.

Mark - dunno what to get. Posters here had suggested some souped up Audi but a car's performance doesn't matter so much to me.

aye, me too. I like a bit comfort and space :lol:. A6 looks nice but i get baffled by the models/ extras. I might just stick with another landrover. but the missus said it makes me look like a farmer and she can't park it :?:lol:...perhaps i should have washed it this year.
I did but I wish hadn't, the body heat made it so hot in there and I'd foolishly failed to realise it was no jacket required....

To think this would have been hilarious if I'd posted on the internet message board where everyone is making Phil Collins jokes right now!:oops::lol:
.....joined my favourite band of the moment, Mr Hudson and the Library, on stage at The Abbey for an hour on Tuesday night. She will be huge!

Why, tucking in a bit was she?

Did yo have a word with Sumner et al: "If you think it's rickin;' in here now. you should see it The First Saturday Of Each Month..."