Staff retention


Active Member
Blimey...sent an email around work telling people about the rally on Sat to get troops out of Iraq & Afghanistan etc.

Admittedly, not the most prudent thing I've ever done...quite an emotive subject after all. :lol:

But sod it, this is agency life, not a poxy local authority "coffee without milk please" type place.

You saw the Sarah and Sue comment on the cheese toaster (reference "pikey")...and this is the latest offering. This time aimed at yours truly. :eek: :confused: :lol: :p

I cannot believe that anyone in a senior management position would speak to a member of staff in this way. Incidentally, I've not responded...not sure there's much point going on a one man mission/bitter crusade to highlight his faults and teach him a lesson.
Things like 'staff retention' and 'human resources' are just tick box solutions to these people after all.

Oooh feel much better now. Had to let my frustrations out on something. ;)


Rob please don’t send your political bollox around on my time. You want to go, you go. I don’t care what your politics are and what you do in your spare time. Me I am busy this Saturday looking after my children. Even if I want free I would go. But we live in a democracy so go for your life.


:eek: Can you believe it?

Interested to find out what you would do in this situ.
There is a fine line with these things.

One lad from our place sent an email asking us all to pray for Maddeline, which I found very very annoying, but the Chairmans a lay preacher - had to keep quiet!

Another bloke in a senior position forwarded to the whole company, the recent 'they are going to ban the red arrows for being to british sign this to stop them'. Which was basically a puff for the BNP.

He marked himself out immediately as being a little bit to the right for comfort - which has done himself no favours.

If he is your boss & it's a personal political view & it was sent round in works time (he says typing away on spotlight!) I could see how he may get annoyed.

Depends upon the history of course. Do you send this kind of thing regularly?
I thought this was a thread about you showing off coz you can hold a big stick up yer bottom ;)

but the guy has a point, how do you know that someone you work with isnt related or even married to one of the said troops?? you would open up a right can of worms then
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yeah, an email like that , anything political / religious wouldn't be tolerated at my work place either....even though I work in a very prudish, uptight environment. Are you surprised by his reply.. or do you get those sorts of replies often?

Actually, I don't actually see anything that wrong with the email... he's telling you to go for it.

if someone , told me to go to some religious event, i'd think they were pretty annoying.
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I thought this was a thread about you showing off coz you can hold a big stick up yer bottom ;)

but the guy has a point, how do you know that someone you work with isnt related or even married to one of the said troops?? you would open up a right can of worms then

Yes agreed...guilty as charged on this one. :oops:

However, it was sent before 9am and I didn't even realise he was in the distribution list.

...but if I get a bee in my bonnet about something then I tend to band it around to all and sundry anyway (not that any of you would notice :lol:) so I don't think I would have intentionally censored anything either.

But feel like I'm splitting hairs now. The fact remains this is a ridiculous way to address a member of staff. (Or I think so...I can't be alone here?) :eek:
There is a fine line with these things.

One lad from our place sent an email asking us all to pray for Maddeline, which I found very very annoying, but the Chairmans a lay preacher - had to keep quiet!

Another bloke in a senior position forwarded to the whole company, the recent 'they are going to ban the red arrows for being to british sign this to stop them'. Which was basically a puff for the BNP.

He marked himself out immediately as being a little bit to the right for comfort - which has done himself no favours.

If he is your boss & it's a personal political view & it was sent round in works time (he says typing away on spotlight!) I could see how he may get annoyed.

Depends upon the history of course. Do you send this kind of thing regularly?

But I think the Red Arrows should be flying and if pulled it should for the reason that it's quite boring after a couple of loop de loops and not for the reason it is too British! :spank:
The same as in the the Current Bun today we might be having a British or UK day!! Why? What is wrong with celebrating St George's Day? Why does it have to be British day? Sweaties, Paddies and Taffs have their day so why does England not have it's own? Don't get me wrong if there is a chance of another bank holiday I am well up for it.
But I think the Red Arrows should be flying and if pulled it should for the reason that it's quite boring after a couple of loop de loops and not for the reason it is too British! :spank:
The same as in the the Current Bun today we might be having a British or UK day!! Why? What is wrong with celebrating St George's Day? Why does it have to be British day? Sweaties, Paddies and Taffs have their day so why does England not have it's own? Don't get me wrong if there is a chance of another bank holiday I am well up for it.

The point is that there is no campaign what so ever to ban the red arrows for being 'to british'

same as the 'mega mosque' hoax - it is trying to create a perception of over PCorrectness.

& the bank holiday...dont get me started. Woman in Thomas Cooke getting people to sign a company sponsored petition, that says it's to commeremerate (sic?) something or other. Funkin imbeciles, we have enough holidays! This aint france!
Yes agreed...guilty as charged on this one. :oops:

However, it was sent before 9am and I didn't even realise he was in the distribution list.

...but if I get a bee in my bonnet about something then I tend to band it around to all and sundry anyway (not that any of you would notice :lol:) so I don't think I would have intentionally censored anything either.

But feel like I'm splitting hairs now. The fact remains this is a ridiculous way to address a member of staff. (Or I think so...I can't be alone here?) :eek:

perhaps he did go a bit ott, but are you in the habit of sending stuff like this?

I think it's a matter of where to draw the line, i think it's safe to send a group email to announce you are selling fairy cakes for breast cancer awareness or doing a sponsored run for kids in hospitals etc, but this is a contentious & emotive issue and one to be avoided on the mass email forum methinks!
The point is that there is no campaign what so ever to ban the red arrows for being 'to british'

same as the 'mega mosque' hoax - it is trying to create a perception of over PCorrectness.

& the bank holiday...dont get me started. Woman in Thomas Cooke getting people to sign a company sponsored petition, that says it's to commeremerate (sic?) something or other. Funkin imbeciles, we have enough holidays! This aint france!

Did they not pull the Red Arrows?? I think they should anyway for being sh1te.

If we are to be brought into line with Europe then should we not have more holidays? I think one of the May bank holidays could go to celebrate St Georges Day.
I found out today from one of my French colegues that if they do over 37 hours a week then they are entitled to extra 12 days holiday a year!!! Surely that can't be right?
Naaah, not usually on a political bandwagon in the workplace.

Don't even have MSN because I find it distracting.

However, all comments appreciated! I obviously did the right thing letting this one lie and seething into a glass of brandy last night. :lol:

Now to get hold of a copy of design week!
Did they not pull the Red Arrows?? I think they should anyway for being sh1te.

If we are to be brought into line with Europe then should we not have more holidays? I think one of the May bank holidays could go to celebrate St Georges Day.
I found out today from one of my French colegues that if they do over 37 hours a week then they are entitled to extra 12 days holiday a year!!! Surely that can't be right?

That's the French way, bless 'em. A bit of revolution is good for the soul. Amazing that a Frenchman came up with "plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose" (scuse the English keyboard).

Yeah, our economy's beggared, but I blame the lack of a strong opposition Monster Raving Loony Party.