spotlight nostalgia


Active Member
i think it would be fair to say we have all come away with something from spotlight, learnt lessons, brought away knowledge, made friends and enemies, had times good and bad, lets look at your finest and grottieat moments with a few quick questions!

1, Who was the first spotlighter you debated/argued/held a slanging match with.

2. The first spotlight you lusted after....

3. You first Met

4. Snogged

5. Shagged (questions 5 and 5 not compulsary though you blatently want to tellus)

6. Who had the most impact on your life?

7. What argument actually made you rethink your ideas and changed something about you?

8. Who most Influeneced your musical taste

1, Who was the first spotlighter you debated/argued/held a slanging match with. - i never argue :lol:

2. The first spotlight you lusted after.... name one i aint

3. You first Met - Damo

4. Snogged - none :cry:

5. Shagged (questions 5 and 5 not compulsary though you blatently want to tellus) - have slept in same room as Little Phillip, while watching him shag his duvet, so does that count?

6. Who had the most impact on your life? - mambo, leese, Damo, Buckley

7. What argument actually made you rethink your ideas and changed something about you? - huh?

8. Who most Influeneced your musical taste - everyone!
1, Who was the first spotlighter you debated/argued/held a slanging match with. Oooo i cant remember :confused: theres bound to have been one dick head tho :rolleyes: :lol:

2. The first spotlight you lusted after.... lusted after :confused: none really

3. You first Met, think it was N8, then saffy

4. Snogged - that would be telling

5. Shagged (questions 5 and 5 not compulsary though you blatently want to tellus) theres two, one of which i now live with, aaaah love on the board :lol:, wont say who the other is tho :p

6. Who had the most impact on your life? Saffy for her wise words, andi & sam for being great mates, chewie for just being chewie, leese for being a fantastic person who makes me smile, Phil for being so ickle and Joey for being the bestest mate that anyone could ever wish for.

7. What argument actually made you rethink your ideas and changed something about you? :confused: None, im too stubborn to admit to anything like that :lol:

8. Who most Influeneced your musical taste stonebridge for showing me theres more to house music than hed kandi fluffy stuff.
1, Who was the first spotlighter you debated/argued/held a slanging match with. Prob slagged Niki :lol:

2. The first spotlight you lusted after.... MissLucy, anyone remember her?

3. You first Met...Buckley in Space, closely followed by everyone else :lol:

4. Snogged.......nope ;)

5. Shagged (questions 5 and 5 not compulsary though you blatently want to tellus)....mmm cybersex ;)

6. Who had the most impact on your life? :eek:

7. What argument actually made you rethink your ideas and changed something about you? Drugs, used to be a no go area, until I made an informed decision to give them a go :p

8. Who most Influeneced your musical taste... Everyone, used to be pure trance :oops: ;) [/quote]
1, Who was the first spotlighter you debated/argued/held a slanging match with. - I dont do such things!!

2. The first spotlight you lusted after.... :confused:

3. You first Met I nearly met Rustywoo, but didn't, I met Kitty before she had joined here so not sure that counts, and I think the first was Mambo in Ibiza, followed by many others

4. Snogged

5. Shagged (questions 5 and 5 not compulsary though you blatently want to tellus)

6. Who had the most impact on your life? Mambo definately, she defiantely brightens my day, and cheers me up when I'm feeling a shade of blue

7. What argument actually made you rethink your ideas and changed something about you? please see answer to q.1 I dont argue

8. Who most Influeneced your musical taste Paul. I was really loving garage when I met him, and now I've moved on, slightly! Sorry I know he's not spotlight, but he did influence my musical taste :p
Who was the first spotlighter you ...

5. Shagged ...
theres two, one of which i now live with, aaaah love on the board :lol:,
wont say who the other is tho :p
OMG :twisted: ... just took a look in mambobirdette´s public profile:
was it the visitor who asked you "r u single ?" :?::eek::twisted:

:)arrow: wayne18uk) :lol:
1, Who was the first spotlighter you debated/argued/held a slanging match with.

not sure there was one - I felt like Obelix taking on the Roman Army all at once

2. The first spotlight you lusted after....

everyone (without exception) on spotlight leaves me sexually indifferent

3. You first Met

I don't meet people. I'm virtual (although I have crossed paths with some of the Scottish and Australian contingent on occasion)

4. Snogged

see 2

5. Shagged (questions 5 and 5 not compulsary though you blatently want to tellus)

see 4

6. Who had the most impact on your life?

Philly Cent - he put me off the ministry of sound for life

7. What argument actually made you rethink your ideas and changed something about you?

that doesn't often happen - Morbyd nearly managed to convince me the Cold War is over in one discussion we had

8. Who most Influeneced your musical taste

I'd say the people closest to me musically are Dan X, Robbie G, Ancient People (still around?), Laguna CA and occasionally Robder when not in Prince mode

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