spot that tune ....please!


New Member
hi all

another tune id for the bushranger :)

ok, there is a kind of choir, repeating a refrain the whole time. one iteration lasts ca two seconds. the choir is singing quite fast,
something like " *unknown word* the sound of *unknown word* ".
choir is singing relative high, mostly female voice, i think. has a latin - maybe african - touch.
track shouldn't be too old (max half a year) and not too unknown - the dj only played mainstream.
unfortunatelly, he played only this part of the track -> no more hints...

and bushy says... :cry:

i have to admit that my description fits quite well, but its not the track. "my"choir sings bit faster + bit higher and refrain is shorter - max 6 words, but the style of singing is quite similar to your sample....
but thx for trying...
the answer...


just wanted to let you know that i found it...
it's taken from michael jacksons "wanna be startin' somethin'"... 8)

cu br
Ah yes, of course! The "mama se mama sa ma macusa" riff, used in quite a few house remixes over the years.

Like I said, everyone lists it as saying mama se mama sa ma macusa, but I was always sure it said "I was saved by the sound of michaels song"!

Wacko = Legend (not including his bad points)