Spoiling Yourself.


Active Member
Am i wrong to have been spoiling myself recently or is everyone doing it :oops::lol: ive bought myself a cracking 7.2 million pixel Samsung digital camera,im awaiting a charger with rechargeable batteries i got for the camera that i ordered online ..im also awaiting a Sony Ericsson K800i that cost me 175 sterling,gotta be one of the if not the best phone around right now, new Adidas trainers(Spezials gotta be retro), new Armani t-shirt, weekend in Manchester last weekend and the biggest of all a 2 week holiday in Dubai next week :D i haven't bought a single present yet thankfully i don't have loads to buy for but still a few,merry xmas and a skint new year :lol:
Nice one, I want one of those Samsung camera's, they look the bizz, and I also want a K800i, oh well, I'll have to get saving, 2 holidays this year have left my savings looking a touch anorexic :confused: :lol: :lol:
I earmarked last Saturday to do the bulk of my Xmas shopping as I'm not really going to have much of a chance any other time.

Went out for most of the day, came back with 2 items of clothing... Both for me!
I read the title quickly and clicked on the thread. Turns out it's nothing to do with soiling yourself. No hope of an amusing boxers down the back of the cistern yarn at all.

Oh well.
I spoilt myself weeks ago in London buying the Maharishi dress which was very expensive specially when I converted the price into Euros
I've just spoilt myself (well nobody else will :( ). I'm currently waiting at home today for delivery of my new Garmin Sat Nav. Had one delivered last week and used it for a few days, then decided to send it back (misleading description on their website) to upgrade to a better all bells and whistles version. Just waiting for that knock on the door from Santa in his green & yellow (City Link) overalls :lol:
I always end up spoiling myself, especially when out christmas shopping.

I usually buy so many things there's very little choice left for others to buy me :oops:
I'm still reading 'spoiling' as 'soiling' which makes this very funny.:lol:

Well i could be soiling myself if i still haven't bought Ang's stockfillers by christmas eve.

I suppose the expression 'stockingfillers' is asking for trouble :lol:
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