

New Member
How much would you take for 2 weeks, whilst self catering and have an amazing time?

I always take £100 per day spending money which is just enough if you plan to go clubbing every other night. If you were off to a big club every night you would probably need more.
Most people dont go to a club EVERY night for 2 weeks. You are looking at about £1200 atleast but if you can take anymore then I would. Im aiming for £1400 this year and that will be more than enough. It all depends on how you plan to spend your holiday. If you into going to all the expensive bars, eating out every night in nice places and going to clubs buying loads of drinks then your going to spend loads. When we go to clubs we would have drinks in the apartment before we went. dont get to the clubs too early as you will spend loads on drinks before the night kicks off like we did at cocoon last year, go about 12-1am. I only bought couple drinks in the clubs and then stuck with a bottle of water. If you have a few nights of the holiday were you chill and recharge youll also save money for it. Whatever you take you will spend so just depends what you want to do. This year I reckon I will be doing 8-9 club nights in the 2 weeks, the other days will be recharging and maybe few smaller partys like ushuiaia etc.