Spanish Sims


Well-Known Member
I know bugger all about the Spanish mobile companies. In the Uk we can get sim cards which will work even if they havent been topped up. Because im only going to be using it a week at a time, i figured itd be cheaper than using my UK phone :!: :spank:

So to the spaniards, what sim should i be looking for? I looking for one thats pretty cheap and doesn't need to be topped up to be active. I'll only be across for 1 week next year and id want to use it again.

Thanks in advance!
If you have an unlocked phone you can use any Spanish sim card, I use vodafone on pay as you go, costs around €25 for teh card and comes with €10 of free calls when it runs out you can still receive calls and there is no time limit on the sim card. Note that when you top up your phone they take a tax out, so if you put €50 on you will actually only get around €43 of calls. On the upside if you add more than thirty euros at a time you get 25 free SMS and they give you an additional ten euros worth of calls a few days later.
Thanks for that CS- after me mrs had her phone nicked on the beach last year, we wondered about taking an old phone each and buying sim cards. Where is the best place in Santa Eulalia - we will be there from the 23rd of this month.
cheers CS. pretty much exactly what i was looking for. im not on pay as you go in the uk but when i was on vodafone back in the day if you didnt top up in 60 days or something your account got blocked :?
don't confuse us casper.

there is iva (vat) on pretty well everything here including phone calls

when you buy €50 you are actually paying €43 plus iva = 50

the calls you make are valued at €43 plus iva = 50 so you get exactly what you pay for.

presumably as a business man on the island you can reclaim the iva (acting as a tax collector) just the same as in the UK?
Same here, if you don't top up in two or three months your card sime gets blocked

are you sure?
We looked into the spanish Vodafone cards , they are advertised over here with "9 months valid" and that they can be recharged from Germany as well.

So that would mean that I buy a card + balance next sunday, use it the week I´m in Ibiza, then sometime next year I´ll recharge like 25,- Euro on it and so can still use the same SIM card ( => same phone number)
ummm ok im pretty confused now....

which companies block and which dont?

I'm not sure, I had a pay as you go phone many years ago. But all companies will block your card if you don't use it, the problem is to know how many months you have. Sorry, I can't help
i have always used and recommended use of a Movistar pay as you go sim card, which requires topping up every 5-6 months or so. when you top up, it gives you the last date when the credit needs to be topped up by.

sim card costs a tenner or so.
We arrive in Ibiza next Sunday. Definitely going to buy a spanisch Vodafone SIM, as prices for phoning and SMS within Ibiza are way better than using our german phones (around 1,- per minute and 0,60cent per SMS).

SMS between 0,07 - 0,15 cent
phone per minute: 12cent per call and then 0.28cent per minute.

I´ll post a review ;)