Space Opening Tickets


New Member
Im heading out to Ibiza this saturday & am going to buy my space opening tick via spotlight but was still unsure as to weather you get a passout if your buying a ticket online with yourselves?

Can you confirm if you get a passouts with an online ticket or indeed if you get a passout at all??

Sorry with all the questions, but I have just one more.

If I pay 55 euro for my ticket online & decide I want to go to space at say 4pm. I stay there for as long as I can but leave at around 10pm.

If i then want to go back to space from midnight till the close how much will i have to pay to enter the second time round?? 55 euro??
Yeah mate, I would summise that. Best off going later and stopping til the end perhaps.

I have a similar dilemma, have to get to PdB for my tix before 3pm but not sure if I wanna go in at that time, probs go back to San an bay and come back later.

I never make proper plans cos they always go wrong!!

But yeah, no passouts = shiiite.
With the Space opening tickets that you can buy with Ibiza Spotlight...What are the time restrictions for entry? Do you have to be in there before a certain time?
Also, does it really include the free drink?
a word of advice for anyone thinking of heading there late, u WILL be queuing for a long time to get in...i just had a txt off my mate now who is at bora bora opening, he said its heaving and its crawling with cops.